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there are no setback lines. The Agent said this is required to be shown on the plans. He also <br /> recommended additional signage on the site regarding the work limits and that no activity is to <br /> Lake place beyond that area. The new homeowners must be aware of the vista protocols as <br /> they exist today and they do not extend to past efforts, The project as proposed will not impact <br /> the buffer zone and the project does meet the performance standards. The Agent noted the <br /> plan has been subIflitted to the Board of Health and is under review. Mr. Garulay stated the <br /> drains on site are existing and will be left in place, The Agent noted on the photos how close <br /> the project is to the buffer zone. <br /> The Agent reiterated his recommended conditions: hiring of consultant and submitting of a <br /> weekly report to the Conservation Department, revising the BSS Design plans to show the <br /> setback from the salt marsh. <br /> No comments from the public <br /> Motion: Mr. McKay moved to Close and Issue with the conditions as outlined by the <br /> Agent, seconded by Mr. Shaw. Vote unanimous, 4-0 <br /> National Grid (Applicant), 65 Seconsett Point Road. Proposed gas main extension and <br /> service connection. Owner of record: Katharine F. Lingamfelter. — RDA <br /> Resource Area: Buffer zone and Flood Zone, Coastal Bank, Bordering Vegetated <br /> Wetland <br /> Brad Malo, Coastal Engineering, represented the applicant. He described the proposed <br /> project is the installation of a gas main extension and a service connection to 65 Seconsett <br /> Point Road. He stated any excavated areas are to be backfilled on the same day and disturbed <br /> areas will be stabilized and restored to pre-existing conditions. He noted the area is currently <br /> under construction. <br /> The Agent noted the area on the photos provided and stated the bank is armored. There is no <br /> impact to the coastal bank or BVW. He recommended a negative determination. <br /> No comments from the public <br /> Motion: Mr. McKay moved a Negative Determination, seconded by Mr, Shaw. Vote <br /> unanimous, 4-0 <br /> 6:12-Vladislav A. and Viktoriya Vilkomir, 3 Mizzenmast. Proposed construction of a <br /> swimming pool. RDA <br /> Resource Area: Flood Zone <br /> Viktoriya Vilkomir, owner, was present and explained they are proposing the installation of an <br /> in ground swimming pool approximately 15 by 36 feet in their backyard. No vegetation will be <br /> disturbed. The Agent highlighted the lot on the photo provided. It is a land locked lot with turf <br /> and ornamental plantings that will be removed and no native vegetation will be removed. It <br />