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New Business: <br /> The Council received a letter from Heidi McLaughlin, Program Supervisor, Mashpee Recreation Dept. regarding <br /> a change of venue request for the Bryson Lang performance, due to the cancellation of Oktoberfest. They are <br /> requesting permission to have the performance be part the Mashpee Commons Annual Halloween Parade,on <br /> October 29,2016. A motion was made by Lynne Waterman and seconded by Rob Mendes. The motion passed <br /> unanimously. <br /> Letter of interest for Council Membership was received from Donald Orkin. Since we don't have enough time <br /> to present his Letter of Interest to the Selectmen and have him take the required online test before we begin <br /> the grant cycle,Sarah Daley will contact him to invite him to a meeting so that he can observe what the council <br /> does. if he is still interested in joining the Council, his Letter of Interest will be forwarded to the Selectmen in <br /> early 2017. <br /> There was further discussion of open Council meetings where potential interested individuals to serve on <br /> Cultural Council would be able to attend, but not vote. This open format would enable potential new <br /> members to see what Council meetings are all about. The Council has a Mission Statement,which is listed on <br /> its Website. Suggestions on this topic are welcome. <br /> Lynne Waterman has included information regarding the Council in a recent issue of the COA newsletter. <br /> Sarah Daley will speak with Dawn Thayer regarding member corrections and Council guidelines for the Town's <br /> Web page; perhaps adding a more prominent link on the Town's Website would provide easier navigation. <br /> Rob Mendes motioned to adjourn the meeting.John Miller seconded the motion. The motion passed <br /> unanimously. <br /> Meeting adjourned at 9:50 am <br /> Respectfully Submitted, <br /> Lynne Waterman <br />