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in helping with that. They also discussed in order to increase the marketability of the 130 <br /> commercial and industrial properties is the water on 130 needs to be extended and to get <br /> Broadband up 130. He said there is a gap from 130 to the rotary and town hall all the way <br /> up to the NStar easement in Sandwich. We can extend a hand out to the Town of <br /> Sandwich where they are trying to develop the Golden Triangle they would see a benefit <br /> in having Broadband there and in order to get there it would have to run thru our vacant <br /> industrial and commercial space. We could all work together. He has spoken to Mr. <br /> Viera and suggested a meeting between Mr. Viera, Randy Hunt and Selectman Keenan <br /> from Sandwich and Sandwich's ERIC. <br /> Tom said another project is Woods Hole satellite campus but they do not need satellite <br /> campuses right now, <br /> Tom said Mr. Viera brought up to him that he will look into the concept of some sort of <br /> drone development program. He would reach out to Carter Hunt who is the local director <br /> for Mass Development who works with Joint Base Cape Cod. <br /> The other question discussed was what hotel options are there. Mr. Viera understands <br /> Mashpee would like to have a hotel in town, <br /> 7. Role of Assistant Town Manager <br /> Tom said the Town Manager has asked that EDIC is one of his priorities and the logical <br /> place for him to do that is staffing this board. The town is offering him as the director if <br /> that is what the members want. The members agreed because they have to work in <br /> concert with the town and are thankful that the town manager agreed to do that. Terrie <br /> suggested an intermunicipal agreement because EDIC is a separate entity. In fairness, we <br /> need to regroup and work with the town manager, assistant town manager and the Board <br /> of Selectmen. This is something we need to talk about first as a board and suggested <br /> appointing a couple of members and come back to the board with a plan. Dino <br /> Mitrokostas and Bob Cobuzzi volunteered. <br /> 8. Anticipated Role of FDIC <br /> Tom Mayo referred to the Annual Work Plan of the ERIC dated 2013. He suggested the <br /> members reread the work plan and at the next meeting have a discussion. Terrie <br /> suggested also talking about their individual roles. <br /> Chairman Sherman asked what each member wants to do on this board and what did they <br /> want to bring to the table. Dino Mitrokostas said other than the day to day business, his <br /> connection with the tribe will be important. He would also like to be involved with Tom <br /> Mayo's discussions with Carter Hunt. Robyn Simmons would like to be involved with <br /> the budget and finance. Bob Cobuzzi wanted to think about it and get back to the board. <br /> Terric Cook sees herself as promotion, organization and economic restructuring. <br />