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Motion: Terrie Cook moved to pay the $6,149.00 to the town reimbursing them for <br /> the attorney's fees. Seconded by Dino Mitrokostas. Vote unanimous 5-0 <br /> 3. Investment Options <br /> Tom Mayo noted EDIC has a couple of options on how to invest their funds and said he <br /> had a conversation with Craig Mayen, Town of Mashpee Treasurer. There are options <br /> for a CD or money market account. Tom recommended considering having some degree <br /> of cash flow and a projection on how much money they may need to spend. Tom Mayo, <br /> Bob Cobuzzi, and Craig Mayen will meet on the investment options and get back to the <br /> board. <br /> 4. New Member Candidate—Denise Dutson <br /> Chairman Sherman referred to the info in the packet for the new member candidate, <br /> Denise Dutson,to become a member of the EDIC. The appointment will need to go <br /> forward to the Board of Selectmen for their vote. The members reviewed the info and <br /> her qualifications. <br /> Motion: Terrie Cook moved to bring Denise Dutson forward to the Board of <br /> Selectmen for appointment to cover the real estate component of FDIC, seconded by <br /> Dino Mitrokostas. Vote unanimous 5-0 <br /> 5. Update on RESET project <br /> Tom Mayo referred to the report on the RESET project which includes 5 tasks. He stated <br /> the Hotel Feasibility Study seems to have the most traction. He was informed that there <br /> is a draft report near completion but hasn't seen it and as soon as he receives it, he will <br /> forward it to the EDIC members. It was noted the meeting on October 26 is postponed. <br /> It was noted Gary Muse who was the project manager has since resigned from the <br /> commission. Phil Daskin is the commission staff member to the Town of Mashpee at this <br /> time. The Reset program is for Mashpee and the Hotel Feasibility Study is for the upper <br /> cape region. He said he noted at the meeting he didn't want to see an effort to find a <br /> singular hotel conference center on the upper cape and have that be the sum total of the <br /> feasibility study. He also commented on the need to identify what the market would bear <br /> for smaller hotels in multiple locations rather than one larger one. Chairman Sherman <br /> noted that Tom Mayo is the point person and everyone will be kept in the loop thru Tom <br /> 6. Summary of economic development discussions with Representative Viera. <br /> Tom Mayo said Representative Viera reached out to him to attend the Economic <br /> Development discussion on September 14 at Dartmouth. He attended but the discussions <br /> were focused on gateway communities. Ms. Marasco is reaching out to engage with the <br /> communities and is with the Massachusetts Office of Business Development. Tom said <br /> he had a conversation in a subsequent meeting with Mr. Viera for economic ideas. One <br /> of the issues Tom discussed is extending Broadband and what Mr. Viera's role would be <br />