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MASHPEE ENVIRONMENTAL OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE <br /> MEETING MINUTES <br /> JULY 13,2016 6:30 P.M. <br /> MASHPEE TOWN HALL <br /> OCKWAY MEETING ROOM <br /> Present: Michael Talbot, Dale McKay, Joseph Cummings, Andrew Gottlieb <br /> Absent: Andrew McManus, Rick York. Katelyn Cadoret <br /> The meeting was called to order by Chairman Michael Talbot @ 6:45 p.m. <br /> Approval of Minutes <br /> May 11,2016 <br /> Motion: Mr. Cummings moved to approve the May 11,2016 minutes,seconded by Mr. <br /> McKay. Vote 4-0 <br /> COMMUNICATIONS AND CORRESPONDENCE <br /> None <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> Review and Approve Final Draft Bylaw on Single Use Plastic Bags <br /> The Chair handed outa. revised copy of the draft bylaw with the changes discussed at the last <br /> meeting. Katelyn Cadoret submitted the draft to the town manager's office for the October town <br /> meeting warrant. The Chair noted they worked on the definition of the plastic bags. Mr. <br /> Cummings suggested simply saying any and all grades of polyethylene. Mr. Gottlieb noted the <br /> draft bylaw will be reviewed by town counsel. It was decided to keep 12 months after adoption <br /> as the effective date. There was a discussion on the enforcement and the members agreed to <br /> include enforcement or code officers and the agents of the Board of Health. <br /> Motion: Mr. Gottlieb moved to approve this bylaw with the minor changes as discussed. <br /> Seconded by Mr. Cummings. Vote unanimous 4-0 <br /> The Chair will ask Katelyn Cadoret to revise the bylaw with the changes discussed and submit it <br /> to the Selectmen's Office. <br /> ACTION ITEMS UPDATE <br />