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Mashpee CWMP <br /> Estuary Restoration Shellfish Propagation Update <br /> Mr. Gottlieb noted that Rick York received a shipment of shellfish today so he was busy with <br /> these. <br /> DRI Review: IMA's with other towns,connection with private sewers,etc.Update <br /> Mr. Gottlieb said the DRI review is delayed until September. They have had two meetings with <br /> Barnstable and Sandwich and have agreed to the scope of the agreement. <br /> Fertilizer Bylaw <br /> The Chair noted there is nothing new on the Fertilizer Bylaw but would like to meet with the <br /> Board of Health on the enforcement. He said the enforcement may have to take another route <br /> and maybe add the Department of Natural Resource to the enforcement. The Chair noted it is a <br /> matter of identifying whether or not someone is applying fertilizer at the wrong time of the year <br /> or applying it during a heavy rain. <br /> Pond and Estuary Water Quality Monitoring: update <br /> Mr. Talbot said George Reichenbacher, who heads up the pond monitoring through the Mashpee <br /> Environmental Coalition,was unable to monitor John's fond and Rick York is covering for him. <br /> Mr. McKay volunteered to take over the pond monitoring at John's Pond. Mr. Talbot said he <br /> would email George and ask him to train Mr. McKay. <br /> Quashnet River Restoration/Realignment Project: Update <br /> Nothing new on this. <br /> OLD BUSINESS <br /> Herring Run Monitoring <br /> Mr. Talbot said he is waiting to get a report on the herring run monitoring for this season. Mr. <br /> McKay noted it looked like there were fewer herring in John's Pond and how it is not <br /> functioning very well. <br /> Farley Bog Restoration <br /> Nothing to report on the Farley Bog Restoration with the exception that US Fish and Wildlife has <br /> joined the partnership. <br />