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Mr. Calahane inquired about the status of Mashpee Cares. The.Director noted she didn't <br /> know the status but that there had not been a meeting lately. She noted the initiatives <br /> can be done one at a time or together. She is looking for collaboration within the <br /> community to start to address and put in some programs. Mr. Cahalane felt it was very <br /> important to inform other groups that they can come to the town. The Director noted the <br /> new Gosnold CEO is willing to work with us and is willing to come to one of our <br /> meetings. Mr. Cahalane said he would speak to the town manager. <br /> Initiative#2 - Homelessness <br /> Following a discussion on the lack of housing,the Director noted she has been working <br /> very closely with the Mashpee Housing Authority. The Director noted Falmouth <br /> Human Services took funds out of their budget and put out an RFP for a program <br /> proposing housing during the winter months for up to 12 people with case management. <br /> Following a discussion, it was agreed to have the Director put a similar RFP together for <br /> the Town of Mashpee. <br /> Motion: Veronica Warden moved to have the Director look into putting out an RFP <br /> to house people with a ease manager for the Town of Mashpee. Mary Bradbury <br /> seconded the motion. Vote unanimous 5-0 <br /> Initiative#3 —Advocacy for the Disabled "Food Delivery for the Disabled" <br /> The Director stated she has been looking into some food delivery for the disabled. The <br /> food is available through the food pantry but it is difficult to get people to deliver the <br /> food. Mr. Cahalane suggested the BBus and he noted he is on that board and would <br /> inquire about them malting the deliveries. It was noted Meals on Wheels do not deliver <br /> to anyone under 60 which is a federally funded program run by Elder Services of Cape <br /> Cod. <br /> Initiative 94 —Additional Services Supporting Regional Initiatives. <br /> The Director listed the Regional Committees she was a member of and noted she will be <br /> supporting the regional issues also. <br /> Coordinator's Report <br /> The Director referred to her report. She noted she is on the Barnstable County Regional <br /> Substance Abuse Council Prevention Intervention Group who is proposing a cape wide <br /> parent summit for the fall in November. They are looking to educate parents talking to <br /> their children about drugs. The summit will be at the Cape Codder and all is welcome. <br /> She will have more details at the next meeting. <br />