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[Agenda topic 3] Spring Newsletter <br /> Discussion: Spring newsletter topics were discussed. The 2016 bass tournament list will be included. <br /> Barbara will do an article on water hyacinth. Diane Lang will have one on Lowell Holly reservation. <br /> Barbara had an article from a local paper that mentioned the both fanwort and hydrilla had been found in <br /> Barnstable ponds and steps had been taken to eradicate them. Local residents must wash their boats well <br /> after being in other prevent spread. <br /> Conclusions. Topics for the newsletter are coming together. The bass tournament list will be included. <br /> [Agenda topic 4] 2016 Bass Tournaments <br /> Discussion: The list of bass tournaments was reviewed and they appear to be in line with the boat landing <br /> rules. There is one evening tournament thus far. <br /> Conclusions: Bass tournaments are consistent with tow rules. <br /> [Agenda topic 5] Power Loading atthe`State Ramp <br /> Discussion: Catherine Laurent emailed that DPW had Lawrence Lynch fill the "hole" created by power <br /> loading at the end of the ramp. The equipment used did not have the reach to completely remove the <br /> "mound"that had been created.. <br /> Brian noted that he recently saw someone power loading at the ramp, and the signs needed to be made <br /> more visible. <br /> Conclusions: The ramp was partially repaired last fall. Signage needs to be increased. <br /> {Agenda topic 6) MWLMC Position Vacancy <br /> Discussion: Diane Lang mentioned to Barbara via email that Richard Baxter was interested in the <br /> committee but he was unable to attend the meeting. Alycia Markowski expressed an interest,to Brian <br /> Mauro, <br /> Conclusions: A vacancy remains on the committee. Barbara will send a reminder before the next meeting, <br /> They meeting was adjourned at 8:02 P.M. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Barbara B. Nichois <br />