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Mashpee - Wakeby Lake Management <br /> Committee <br /> June 23,2016 <br /> 7:30 PM <br /> Mashpee Town Hall. <br /> Meeting called by: Debi McManus <br /> Type of meeting: Monthly <br /> Secretary Barbara B. Nichols <br /> Attendees: Members: Brian Mauro, Barbara Nichols <br /> Guests: Richard Baxter <br /> The minutes of the April 28, 2016 meeting were accepted as written after a motion by Debi McManus <br /> and second by Brian Mauro. <br /> Agenda topics <br /> [Agenda topic 1] Lake level/River outflow <br /> Discussion: The lake levels of April 30th and May 16th were both 55.5 feet above sea level with 13 and <br /> 14 inches of water going over the board closest to the lake. There were 12.5 and 15 inches of water in the <br /> stream by the stairs. On June 1St. and 16th the level was 55.4 and 55.3 ft. above sea level with 13 and 12 <br /> inches of water going over the board. The water in the stream dropped from 14 to 10.5 inches as there <br /> was no significant rain in June. Levels were reported to Drew McManus in Conservation. <br /> Small herring have been seen in the lake, and the osprey have caught a large number of herring. Many <br /> have been dropped around the area. <br /> Conclusion: The level was steady at 55.5 ft. in May, but due to little precipitation dropped to 55.3 in June. <br /> [Agenda topic 2] Harbormaster Update <br /> Discussion: Andrew Gotlieb, our liaison,reported by email that the background process on the <br /> harbormaster candidate was still not complete. The boating season is well underway and the position is <br /> still being filled by Rick Santangelo, acting as harbormaster. He is a member of the Police Dept. It is not <br /> known how many assistants have been trained or when a Harbormaster will be appointed. The busy July <br /> 4th week is nearly here. <br /> Conclusions: A permanent harbormaster has still not been officially hired. <br />