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5 <br /> Finance Committee <br /> Minutes <br /> February 4, 2016 <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> Joint FYI Budget Meeting with School Committee: (continued) <br /> Mr. Funk was asked if the School budget is able to accommodate the School Wireless project, a four <br /> year upgrade for Network Core Switch Replacement at a cost of$70,000 per year. The project is listed <br /> in the CIP program for funding. The CIP has agreed this project is needed with the use of available <br /> funds. <br /> In response,Mr. Funk indicated he is unsure if the wireless project can be utilized with excess school <br /> funds. Presently,there have been requests for funding from school members, and there is concern with <br /> out-of-district placement students. The School Department has been required to outsource a speech <br /> therapist and there are buy backs. One employee will also not be retiring as previously thought. <br /> Additionally there is a request from grades 3 to 6 to fund Chromebooks for PARCC testing. Mr. Funk <br /> stated the School budget is very transparent, and most of the surplus will derive from salaries. <br /> With surplus funding last year,the School Department purchased Chromebooks for grades 7 to 12. The <br /> remaining sum of$176,702 was returned to the Town. This is a large turn-back of funding that has not <br /> been observed in the past. <br /> In considering the School budget,realizing the ebbs and flows of expenditures it was mentioned the <br /> School Department realized a surplus of$375,000. With the decrease in transportation projections, the <br /> Schools are seeking an additional $374,000. With the purchase of nearly$400,000 for Chromebooks,an <br /> item that was not budgeted, it appears the budget increase is close to $800,000. <br /> Mr. Funk was asked to report the balance of School Choice Funds. Mr. Funk replied by stating at the <br /> end of fiscal year 2015 the balance is approximately$689,000. Mr. Funk indicated the funding is <br /> always expended in arears. It is permissible to fiend these monies on technology and infrastructure. <br /> Funds cannot be expended on construction or transportation. The disbursement of funding is controlled <br /> by the School Committee. <br /> With regards to School Choice Funds it was recommended the School develop a plan on how to use this <br /> funding. In discussion Mr. Funk agreed to bring forth the Network Administrator's capital request for <br /> wireless to the School Committee for funding through this account. Mrs. Cook responded by stating the <br /> Town and Schools are a team, and this initiative would assist the Town in its capital planning. <br /> In reviewing the budget process of the Schools, it was noted the initial budget prepared by the School <br /> Superintendent, School Business Administrator and main staff projected an increase over last year's <br /> budget by 3.07%. With the input of the Acting School Superintendent the budget increase was pared <br /> down to 1.83%. The revision was approved by the School Committee. In was noted the School <br /> Committee in normal process does not get involved in the initial budget procedure. <br />