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3 <br /> Finance Committee <br /> Minutes <br /> February 18,2016 <br /> OLD BUSINESS <br /> Committee/Liaison Reports: <br /> Library: (continued) <br /> During the brief discussion that took place about the Petition Article,it was disclosed that Town <br /> Manager Rodney Collins had confirmed through Town Counsel that the Town would not have to <br /> expend any funds appropriated for personnel through this petition process. It was further <br /> clarified that present concerns on the part of the Library were not presently due to any <br /> accreditation issues, but more of a concern about open library hours. It is hopeful that the <br /> petitioners will consider withdrawing their request prior to the warrant being executed by the <br /> Board of Selectmen at the end of March. <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> FYI Discussion of Town Meeting Warrant Articles: <br /> Capital Improvement Program: <br /> At the last meeting,the Capital Improvement Program(CIP) Committee conducted due diligence <br /> and finalized recommendations for fiscal year 2017. Mrs. Cook, liaison to the CIP reported on <br /> the proposed program. Using the recommendation of the Town Manager and Finance Director <br /> to remain within the perimeters of$420,000, CIP members Rodney Collins,Dawn Thayer, <br /> Andrew Gottlieb, Terrie Cook and Chuck Gasior voted unanimously to recommend a capital <br /> budget of$419,811 from free cash available for appropriation. <br /> Incorporating additional funding from the Mashpce Cable Advanced Technology(MCAT) <br /> Account and the Recreation Revolving Fund Account the total FYI CIP budget <br /> recommendation is $468,731. <br /> Mrs. Cook indicated that committee expenditures in the capital program include the lease of <br /> Police Vehicles for a total cost of$191,500,the lease of vehicles for the Department of Public <br /> Works$222,056 and the lease of the Town Hall vehicle $6,255 used by the Conservation <br /> Department. <br /> Included in the DPW lease program is year-one of a two-year lease$40,000 for a F550 Dump <br /> Truck. With available MCAT funding in the amount of$39,000 the VMWare Server Switch for <br /> the Police Department would be upgraded as will the Firewall for the Town Fall. Year-two of a <br /> three-year lease/purchase for the 12-passenger van for the Recreation Department$9,920 will be <br /> fully funded by the Recreation Department Revolving Fund. <br />