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4 <br /> Finance Committee <br /> Minutes <br /> August 11, 2016 <br /> End of Year Reports/Turn-backs by Department: <br /> Review of October Town Meeting Warrant; <br /> Rodney C. Collins, Town Manager and Wayne E. Taylor, Assistant Town Manager was in <br /> attendance to review the end of year close-out reports with members of the Finance Committee. <br /> The total end of year close-out of June 30, 2016 is $2,058,999.01. <br /> Regarding the End of Year Close out Report, it was requested the financial compilation include <br /> the original budget figures with the turn-backs for additional review. <br /> Appreciation was given to the School Committee for the return of$502,193.98. The sum of <br /> $500,000 is earmarked and would be certified as free cash to assist with the projected $1.7 <br /> million Quashnet School window and door replacement project. Through the Accelerated Repair <br /> program, the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) is anticipated to reimburse the <br /> Town approximately 38% or $700,000 in grant funding. With the school contribution, the <br /> amount of$500,000 is projected to be bonded over a twenty year period. <br /> Rodney C. Collins, Town Manager indicated the grant program requires the Town to appropriate <br /> the project in full. The October warrant is reflective of the full cost for this project. If the Town <br /> is approved for funding, construction would begin in the summer of 2017 when school is out of <br /> session. It was noted the windows are in dire need of replacement and a cost savings would be <br /> realized with energy-efficient windows and doors. <br /> At the last meeting, the Board of Selectmen indicated that a proposed sign bylaw may be <br /> considered for the warrant. This would be reflected as a new article in the second draft. There is <br /> also an article recommended by the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Committee to fund the <br /> replacement of medical and fire reporting software/hardware. The current fire software has been <br /> discontinued and the current medical software is being replacement by the vendor. A new <br /> system would combine medical and fire reporting and provide medical billing functions. The <br /> $83,000 project includes training and would be fully funded through the Ambulance Receipts <br /> Reserved Fund for Appropriation Account. Additional articles include projects submitted by the <br /> CPC and Waterways Commission as well as the Board of Selectmen, Planning Department and <br /> Environmental Oversight Committee. <br /> The Board of Selectmen is expected to finalize the warrant at their meeting of August 22, 2016. <br /> The Finance Committee agreed to review and finalize the October warrant at their meeting of <br /> August 25, 2016. Any questions regarding the warrant should be directed to the Town Manager. <br /> It was agreed the final draft of the warrant would be transmitted to the Finance Committee <br /> electronically and in hard copy format. <br />