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MASHPEE ENVIRONMENTAL OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE <br /> MEETING MINUTES <br /> AUGUST 9, 6:30 P.M. <br /> MASUPEE TOWN HALL <br /> OCKWAY MEETING ROOM <br /> The meeting was called to order by Chairman Michael Talbot @ 6:30 p.m. <br /> Approval of Minutes —July 12, 2017 <br /> Motion: Mr. McKay moved to approve the July 12, 2017 minutes as revised, seconded by <br /> Katelyn Cadoret. Vote 4-0. <br /> COMMUNICATIONS AND CORRESPONDENCE <br /> None <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> Invasive Plant Management Policies for the 'Town <br /> Nothing new to report. The Chair stated he would attend a Conservation Commission meeting to <br /> discuss this. <br /> Other Issues for the EOC to tackle next. <br /> Mr, McKay discussed the issues at John's Pond and was concerned with the ethic issue. Also, <br /> the use of the beach is way off after they stopped all daily passes. Weekly passes can be bought <br /> at town hall which is not open on weekends. He noted if the issue is with jet skis this should be <br /> addressed. The Chair recommended Mr. McKay write up some type of discussion and present it <br /> to Selectmen Andrew Gottlieb and Tom O'Hara. Mr. McKay said the other issue is economic <br /> because the town has spent a lot of money there. He felt the town may have acted precipitately <br /> in regard to the complaints and the issue should be re-examined. Katelyn stated she did research <br /> and John's Pond was funded by a self-help grant thru the State and therefore the area needs to be <br /> open to the public. The Chair noted it would be interesting to find out what the loss of revenue <br /> is for stopping the daily passes. <br /> ACTION ITEMS UPDATE <br /> Mashpee CWMP: <br /> Mashpee Nutrient Control Bylaw: Update—no update <br />