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After diSCtlSSioll and consideration, a motion was niade by Mill Allen and seconded by <br /> Richard Halpern to reduce the hours that the office is open to the public to 15 hours <br /> per week, or more if the executive director sees fit. Additionally, the hours can be <br /> set and adjuste=d if necessary by the. Executive Director as she sees fit. The motion <br /> was adopted. Mrs. Botsford will think about ]lore best to reduce the open office hours <br /> and not fy residents, put up sighs, and change our website ,vithin the next few weeks. <br /> OLD BUSINESS: <br /> aLCuvel 1-lousing Authority: Mrs. Botsford reminded the beard that they had given her the <br /> autltal•ity to negotiate a contract for a management agreeniew if she were approached to . <br /> clot so. Mrs. Botsl'ord was approached by the Carver I IA board, as their executive director <br /> left suddenly. Mrs. Botsford atte'rided their board niceting to review what a management <br /> agreement could look like and what was involved in getting it approved by botli boards <br /> and DFIC:.D. 1.1fteFr a lengthy interview, it was decided that they would like to enter into a <br /> 30 Day agreement at the end of'which :Nirs. Botsford would give therm an assessment and <br /> evaluation on.C'arver and propose how to move forward in the improvement of the agency <br /> through a management agreement. At that paint CLIA board would either decide to <br /> continue with the inanageiment agreement or go back to having their own executive <br /> director. At that point, if they decide to advertise far an executive director.. lull-IA would <br /> continue to manage them with regards to day-tet-clay operations lbr a period of 60 niore <br /> days while they hire an l.xectrtive Director. Mrs. Botsford has proposed a flee of 5:35,000 <br /> per year for administrative fees. Mrs. Botsford spoke with two folks from DIJCD today <br /> and they didn't think that fee N-vould be a problem, evert though it is over• the budgeted <br /> alliourit, since CIJA is considered troubled. DI-ICD expects to have approval of the <br /> managenlent agre',enlCnt very soon and then we can start work thereafter. "l here could be <br /> minor changes to the proposed 1lianiagenictit agreenient, but nothing major was expected. <br /> After discussion, and consideration of the management agreement as presented, a motion <br /> was made by ,Jill Allen and seconded by Richard Halpern to .authorize the chairman <br /> to sign the agreement c►n behalf of the housing; authority once it is'approved by <br /> D11CD and to have Mrs. Botsford start her work there a( than time-. The motion <br /> carried. <br /> NEW BUSINESS: <br /> a) I",XCCL1tiVC Session: _ Contract ne.otiation5 I:xc�ctttivc Director: A ralutian was made by <br /> Richard I-lalpern and seconded by Jill Allen to Cl1tCr execlrtiVC SC:SSIo11 .f01- 01C ptil'I 0Se of <br /> ExCCUtive Director Contract Negotiations. They motion carried unanimously and the <br /> board entered Executive Session at approximately 6:35 1'M, At approximately 6:45 I'M <br /> the board voted unanimously to return to regular session. <br /> b) Year-end Reports/Certifications (13narrf mte nc e(—Ieca Mrs. Botsford stated that the 1ec <br /> accountant and she had prepared all the year-end certifications but that the UI-ICD <br /> Website was riot working properly to allow herr to print out (lie salary scheduler or <br /> certification 661•111s. Slit was ill touch with DI-]CI) about it, but their FI`departiraent will <br /> not be able; to work on it until tomorrow. X/lrs. Botsl'ord prcivided the year oil(] reports and <br /> Page 4 of 6 <br />