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authoritit~s for i'l'l ii because the utility Costs for the last year were much lower than we'd <br /> anticipated (not as cold a winter). There court still be some Chanes, however, and <br /> DHCD will nat be issuing budget guidelines until slid or late Sep(ember. They are <br /> hoping;to include in the budget gtiidclines the new language allowed for increases to <br /> executive director salaries, leased on the market analysis they slid. Their analysis, ill <br /> addition to MassNAHRO's own analysis (based oil a different consultant's work) showed <br /> that the maijority of executive directors are being underpaid; In addition, they are hoping <br /> to reissue updating guidelines 1'or F.D contracts, since there were several issues with the <br /> first ones they isstied. <br /> • DI WD will be at MFIA for our• first Property Management Review ( PMR) all October 6 <br /> + 1 have bet=el elected SNII'DA President for a 2-year term; however I wanted to assure the <br /> board that this will not take any more time than I had been spe>rlding before as a board <br /> member of SMGDA. in fact. I've delegated some of the things 1 had been doing to other <br /> board members. <br /> 9 Mrs. Botsford will attend the August 21 Selectmen's meeting to present the GP(' funded <br /> program we are proposing to purchase homes. <br /> • Mrs. Botsford diel speak to the accountant arbout j)roviding reports ahead oftinle: to the <br /> board, after .MW Halpern cluestioned this at tile last meeting. Mr. Joy could provide them <br /> ahead oftinle, but it would be a month old at that point. For example at the beginning of <br /> September we would get reports flor,luly. When he coilles in oil the clay of the: board <br /> laieetiilg, he is reporting oil the most current information. For September that would mean <br /> reporting on August, since the bank statements would have,just come in and been <br /> reconciled. Bank state.nlents usually don't come in until the 7"' or 8"' of the month, so it <br /> is difficult to get the reporEs doneaired to the board any earlier. T'he boatel agreed this Nva5 <br /> tine; they'd rather receive the most current information on the night of'(lie rllecting. <br /> • Mrs. Botsford indicated to the board that there seems to be rising; tenant problems at both <br /> Asher's Path and l-loineyer Village:. There: is a lot oCin-lighting, complaining about petty <br /> things. and gossiping g=oing on and management is being bt'OUght illtO .it much 1110re than <br /> we should be. Mrs. Botsford has held tenallt meetings Nvith residents at bath sites and is <br /> trying to create a tenant-based task forceto'deal with non-lecke violation issues and also <br /> to do some community building. Mrs. Botsford indicated her concern that a lot of both <br /> her and Carol's tinge is being spent oil these issues and it is affecting their wort`. Mr. <br /> Halpern stated that we should not be dealing with these kind of things and Mrs. I3otsI )i-(l <br /> concurred, Starting that Unless it involves a lease/policy violation, ilia pausing; authority <br /> Should not be involved. Our role is the landlord and residents were reminded ofall of <br /> this at the: rlleetings. <br /> Mrs. Botsford brought to the attention ol•tho, board that the office in Maslipec is open to <br /> the public l'or more hours than needed. For example, Brewster has a total of a6 units and <br /> they are only open 15 hours a week. Granted we; have a larger voucher program and run <br /> the HAI' program. but we nilly harve 30 units Of public housing and etre open to the:. public <br /> Monday— Th UrSday, I VC11 thotrglr the Off ice hours are posted as 9AM — 2.301'M, we <br /> really are open f; -4 or letter. A discussion ensued about ]low having so many public hours <br /> play be interfering with the aullouilt ofcontact we are having with the residents who are <br /> bothering ilia office with petty issues and thus a fIecting the work we tided. to get done. <br /> Page. 3 of 6 <br />