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and Potential Expanded Collection System Evaluations, Seconded by Mr. Burns. <br />Vote unanimous. 3-0 <br />MOUS with private WWTP owners. <br />The Chairman informed the members that at the request of Selectman Gottlieb he put <br />together letters to Mashpee Commons and Wampanoag Tribe to make sure they <br />understand and give us written permission to go onto their properties. Those letters will <br />go out soon awaiting the Town Manager's signature. <br />Voucher Signatures <br />No vouchers <br />Intermunicipal Issues <br />Popponesset Watershed Permit /IMAs with other towns. <br />The Chair stated he was asked by Andy Gottlieb and the Selectmen to prepare a contract <br />proposal from GHD and noted it is not a Sewer Commission contract but is a Selectmen's <br />contract. <br />Status of MMR utility planning <br />Chairman Fudala spoke to Carter Hunt, Mass Development, regarding the study the Air <br />Force was doing on their utilities system which was expected to be done in December. <br />This hasn't happened so we are still waiting on the MMR which is why we took the west <br />side of town and the MMR facility out of our first five years phase of the plan because <br />there is so much uncertainty with the base. <br />Falmouth Issues: Moonakis River study proposal — the Town of Mashpee and Falmouth <br />funded $10,000 a piece. The County Grant was only $20,000. $2,500 from CPWB and <br />$500 from Mashpee Environmental Coalition. The towns of Mashpee and Falmouth split <br />the rest. <br />He noted Jerry Potamis retired and Amy Lowell has taken over his position as the Sewer <br />Administrator for the Town of Falmouth. <br />Falmouth Issues <br />No Falmouth issues. <br />Barnst#ble, Sandwich Issues <br />No news from Barnstable or Sandwich. <br />