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Mashpee Sewer Commission <br />Minutes of Meeting <br />Tune 16, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. <br />Mashpee Town Hall <br />Sewer Commissioners Present: Tom Fudala, Bradford Pittsley, Tom Burns, Joseph Lyons, <br />Mark Gurnee <br />Also: Don Barton—Waterways Commission <br />Absent: Glenn Santos <br />CALL TO ORDER <br />The meeting was called to order by Chairman Tom Fudala at 7:00 p.m. <br />APPROVAL OF MINUTES—April 14, 2016 & May 19, 2016 <br />MOTION: Mr. Lyons made a motion to accept the April minutes as written. Mr. Gurnee <br />seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br />MOTION: Mr. Burns made a motion to accept the May 19'x` minutes as written. Mr. <br />Pittsley seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br />STATUS OF FINAL PLAN <br />-Status of DRI Review -The Chair reported that there was no change and has been extended to <br />November 18, 2016 and awaiting development of an 1MA among the three towns for the <br />beginnings of a watershed permit. <br />STATUS OF OTHER TASKS <br />-Waterslied-Based Permit for Popponesset Bay with Barnstable & Sandwich- A meeting <br />took place this afternoon to work toward developing a watershed permit and IMA. Mr. Gregg <br />has drafted a memo regarding the three versions of possible division of responsibility for <br />Popponesset Bay and fair share allocation. The next meeting will be June 30 at Sandwich Town <br />Hall, Sandwich Town Counsel will write the legal text and format to develop a first draft of an <br />IMA. A schedule will also need to be developed for the Agreement. Chairman Fudala reported <br />that the watershed permit allowed by the legislature would be good for 20 years, with check -ins <br />every S years. The Chair discussed other aspects that would be included in the document. <br />Chairman Fudala has also met with appropriate town officials regarding how Mashpee will pay <br />for the facilities that need to be built. Design of the treatment plant at the transfer station was <br />anticipated as the next step in the project, with hope that funding could be acquired at October <br />Town Meeting. Attendees at the meeting expressed concern regarding anticipated costs. <br />Jeff Gregg submitted a report with an update of GHD's efforts, focusing on Sewer CAD work <br />and an analysis on the two wastewater treatment facilities from the Wampanoag Tribe and <br />Mashpee Commons. The Chair highlighted the details of the report. <br />-Report from Shellfish Constable -The Chair read through a report from Rick York, which <br />included details about the new Department of Natural Resources, including newly hired staff. <br />-Mashpee Commons/Wampanoag Village Sewer Connections Study <br />