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Shellfish Constable Report: <br />• In Rick York's absence a discussion took place regarding the temporary <br />status of the DNR position. Ken reported that at this time the position was <br />funded as a temporary position. <br />Committee Reports: <br />• Mashpee Lakes: Nothing to report in addition to Rick Santangelo's comments <br />above about complaints on size and horsepower of boats using Johns Pond and <br />Mashpee/Wakeby Lake <br />• Popponesset Bay Area: Nothing additional to report <br />• Waguoit Bay Area: Nothing additional to report <br />• Water Quality Update/Water Sampling: Don MacDonald reported three of the four <br />sampling events had been accomplished. He stated that 8 boats with 22 <br />volunteers tested 35 sites within a two hour period. Don continued on the <br />importance of this process and it's history and how fortunate we are to have the <br />volunteers that support this important process. <br />• Barnstable County Coastal Resources Committee_ Update: Nothing to report <br />• Sewer Committee Update: Don Barton reported that the next meeting was <br />scheduled for the 18th of August and that he would be attending. <br />• Public Access Update: Articles for the upcoming town meeting included signage <br />regarding the damage caused by power loading and the rules regarding the use of <br />the town's public ramp systems. <br />• Waterways Improvement Plan and Dredging: Ken reported that the BOS had <br />verbally approved the waterway's articles for the upcoming town meeting in <br />October. He also reported that coordination between agencies regarding our <br />comprehensive dredge permit were moving forward. He was also continuing the <br />efforts to secure the Deadneck Beach disposal area. <br />NEW BUSINESS: <br />• Al Turner mentioned efforts he was making to secure a Marine Fisheries grant of <br />$15,000.00 to improve fishing access to our waters. <br />