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Public Access: Catherine reported that Pirate Cove work is progressing and working <br />on location of dingy racks. Don MacDonald noted that there is a railing issue (big gap) <br />that might be a hazard for children. Catherine stated that they would look into the railing. <br />Waterways Improvement Plan and Dredging: Ken reported that we have received <br />approval on the Comprehensive Permit process, which started in March of 2013. <br />New Business: Tom and Nick Smith presented their plan for an Aquaculture Grant <br />Application data which generated a great deal of discussion on the size and appearance <br />of the project, which Rick York and Al Turner felt was a good project and support it. This <br />will now go on to the Shellfish Commission for their review/approval. Don Barton <br />however expressed reservations about appearance of floating gear as depicted in the <br />photos. The Waterways Commission Chairman noted the Commission reviews <br />Aquaculture Grant projects and forwards the information to the BOS for their review <br />during their approval process. The Waterways commission reviews and approves if <br />there is no navigation channel incursion related to this grant application. Rick York was <br />to send a detailed drawing illustrating the Great River Channel location along with <br />mooring field locations and the two grant areas so the Waterways Commission could <br />make a decision, take a vote and forward it to the BOS to help with their review. <br />Jim Reiffarth presented the committee with a concern about the speed zones in both the <br />Little and Great River. Al Turner stated that additional "No Wake" signs could be placed <br />on private docks, but there could be no other markers placed in the rivers as they would <br />cause confusion. Mr. Bates noted he felt there might be a requirement for the Town to <br />develop an MOU for these private dock signs and a review of existing Town Bylaws to <br />enable proper enforcement. He agreed to send a note to the Town regarding the <br />signage issue. <br />A motion to adjourn at 10,30 was made by Don Barton, 2nd by Bill Taylor. The vote was <br />unanimous. <br />The next scheduled meeting is Decemberl3, 2016 at 9:00 AM in the Popponesset <br />Meeting Room. <br />