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December and in the beginning of January. From the remaining stock the family area will remain <br />stocked until the end of January. <br />A total of 4,555,000 quahog seed were seeded into our bays for 2016. In 2016 we saw 91% survival of <br />the 5 million purchased from the Dennis Aquaculture facility. <br />Quahog dispersal is as follows: Great River Family area (1 million), Waquoit Bay Family area (lmillion), <br />Popponesset Bay family area (500,000), Jehu Pond (500,000) in good bottom on northeast side, Hamblin <br />pond family area (500,000), Ockway Bay (100,000) in southwest side of bay near town ramp. <br />In compliance with the Nitrogen Remediation Plan, the Department of Natural Resources has converted <br />the Little River dock into a Floating Upweller System (FLUPSY). The three FLUPSY docks are in place and <br />will be ready for use in the upcoming shellfish growing season. <br />DPW Report - Catherine gave an update on the Great River Ramp project. She stated there has been a <br />minor setback with resulting time delay. After a recent site visit from the State, it was determined the <br />new ramp would impact a small area of coastal marsh. A filing of an ENF report and a 401 water quality <br />certificate is now required. This documentation should be reviewed with a December 30 decision date <br />with a 30 day comment period. <br />Catherine also announced that a winning bid for the new Great River project has been selected. She felt <br />that the Town received a very competitive bid. All references and due diligence have been conducted <br />on this contractor. It is anticipated that the Selectman will make a conditional award at their next <br />meeting. Signage for this project still needs to be finalized. <br />Don MacDonald again mentioned the 3 foot gap in handrail at the Pirate Cove ramp that poses a safety <br />hazard. Catherine said she would follow up. <br />Mashpee Lakes - Wakeby and Johns Pond - no issues. <br />Popponesset Bay Area - Harbormaster (Ashley) representative reported no issues <br />Waquoit Bay Area - Ashley reported one case of over- limit shell fishing and the matter is still under <br />investigation. <br />Public Access - Ken noted again the proposal to have private dock owners, at their option, to sign an <br />MOU with the Town to have enforceable "no wake" signs placed on their docks on Great River. The <br />needed signage has become important for enforcement. <br />Waterways Improvement Plan and Dredging - Ken stated that dredging is underway in Popponesset <br />Bay 1916 channel. The engine on the Barnstable County dredge had to be rebuilt and this caused a <br />major delay. Work started this past Friday and the 1916 channel will be finished this week. A post <br />dredge survey will then be conducted. <br />A bill for approximately $8400 was to be received from BSC Engineers for engineering work on our <br />Comprehensive Permit. Ken reviewed the billing and with the Board's approval, asked for the authority <br />