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MOTION: Mr. Balzarini made a motion that in order for the Planning Board to continue <br />the Special Permit, that our Engineer meet with the project proponent to devise a <br />construction schedule or report back to the Planning Board for approval. Mr. Cummings <br />seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br />Mr. Fudala inquired if the Board had determined whether the Permit was considered expired. <br />Mr. Balzarini responded that staking occurred in February. The Chair responded that she would <br />like the engineer to look at the parcel and develop a construction schedule, adding that the only <br />documentation was an engineering bill from March. The Chair noted that if they decide that the <br />Permit had lapsed, the project proponent would likely return with the same plan and would prefer <br />not to set back the development. The Chair noted her preference that the development start off <br />right to have minimal impact on the neighborhood. Mr. Rowley stated that Mr. Fudala was <br />asking if the work completed up to this point was considered sufficient that the Permit had not <br />expired. Mr. Balzarini responded that he felt they met the obligation of initiating work prior to <br />May 7. <br />Mr. Lubrano stated that police officers were required to direct traffic when town water was being <br />installed and requested that a detail or flag men be required during work hours for this project, <br />due to the heavy equipment and close calls. Mr. Lubrano also requested a barrier along his <br />property when the work was started. Mr. Rowley noted that a silt fence to define the limit of <br />work was a reasonable request. Mr. Lubrano inquired about what action determined the start of <br />the permit and the Chair responded that engineering work was initiated on March S by SSDesign. <br />The appointed time having arrived, the Chair opened the Public Hearing and read for the record <br />the notice. <br />MOTION: Mr. Balzarini made a motion to continue the Northbridge Public Hearing to <br />7:45 p.m. Mr. Cummings seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br />Discussion continued regarding Ockway Highlands. Mr. Virgilio pointed out that the road <br />would not be flat, that it would have a crown and inquired about the consequences should the <br />developer not follow through with the schedule. The Chair stated that the property owner had <br />rights. Mr. Virgilio pointed out that the developer was supposed to be using DeGrasse Road <br />only unless he built Blue Castle properly, as outlined in the Permit decision. Mr. Balzarini <br />indicated that conditions had been placed on the permit and that Mr. Rowley will work on a <br />schedule with the developer, and he believed that they had met the standards of the permit by <br />initiating work in February. Mr. Rowley stated that the owner and contractor would need to <br />establish the schedule and Mr. Rowley would then review the schedule. Mr. Rowley <br />recommended that protections be installed as the first priority, including drainage for Mr. <br />Virgilio, to minimize runoff issues. <br />Diane Dorsey, of Blue Castle, stated that trucks were using her driveway as a turnaround and she <br />was concerned about damage. Mr. Haney apologized and noted that it was now cleared out and <br />they would have other places to park. Ms. Dorsey added that a trailer had been parked out in <br />front of her property as well. Chairman Waygan stated that Planning Board members are not <br />happy that the homeowners are being impacted starting on Day 1 and asked that it stop. Mr. <br />3 <br />