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6/1/2016 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
6/1/2016 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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relocation of the road. Mr. Balzarini stated that the applicant had initiated work prior to the <br />expiration of the Permit. <br />The Chair allowed comments from the public. Resident Ernie Virgilio, on Blue Castle, <br />referenced the previous Special Permit process when he expressed concern about the water flow <br />on the road that entered into his property. Mr. Virgilio expressed frustration about his concerns <br />about water and mud ending up in his property should the proper drainage system not be built. <br />Mr. Virgilio stated that the applicant did not begin removing a few trees until last week. Mr. <br />Virgilio was concerned about water flow onto his property once the stumps were removed. Mr. <br />Virgilio promised that if the project was started and not reaching a point to protect people's <br />property with the appropriate drainage, he would make it a problem. Mr. Weeden inquired <br />whether silt fences were in place to which Mr. Virgilio responded that they had cut trees the <br />previous week. <br />Erik Lubrano, Blue Castle Drive, confirmed that the project started the previous week with trees <br />spray painted and cut. Mr. Lubrano pointed out that a staging area was supposed to be used by <br />trucks but that instead, trucks had been left in the road or on private property, making travel <br />difficult for the neighbors. Stumps and sticks are in the road way and the trucks are creating a <br />hazard in the roadways. <br />Mr. Haney responded that no homes would be built until the roadways were constructed. Mr. <br />Balzarini stated that residents were possibly concerned that the developer did not plan to <br />complete the project, waiting last minute to commence work. Mr. Haney presented a March 5 <br />bill from the engineers and described the work completed prior to May 7 around the old <br />foundation. <br />The Chair inquired about the actions that would be taken to ensure that water would not run onto <br />anyone's property during construction. Mr. Haney responded that the plans showed that the road <br />would be pitched away from Mr. Virgilio's property so no water would reach his property from <br />the subdivision. Mr. Haney confirmed that the grading would take place next week. The Chair <br />expressed concerns noted by residents regarding blocked access on the roadway and Mr. Haney <br />apologized stating that tree work was occurring on both sides of the road, creating some <br />difficulties and a direct result of a subdivision being constructed within a subdivision. Blue <br />Castle to DeGrasse will become the alternate access making the process smoother. Mr. Weeden <br />asked again about silt fences but Mr. Haney stated that the area was flat and there were no <br />wetlands in the area. <br />Mr. Rowley agreed that there was a genuine concern about the roadway if abutting properties <br />were not protected during the construction period, adding that there was no plan or schedule in <br />place to address what needed to be done on BIue Castle. Mr. Rowley suggested that a schedule <br />be developed addressing how the abutting properties will be protected until the binder was put <br />down. Mr. Rowley indicated that he would meet with the contractor, adding that it was fair to <br />the abutting homeowners that everyone know the schedule. <br />2 <br />
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