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r <br />h Town of Mashipee <br />Pfanning Board <br />16 Cir cut �i�c ek czar L�ro� l i <br />0:6' 9 <br />�SZhll1E.4�" <br />Mashpee Planning Board <br />Public Hearing Notice <br />Pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 40A, the Mashpce Planning Board will hold a <br />public hearing on Wednesday, October 5, 2016 at 7:10 p.m. at the Mashpee Town Hall, 16 Great <br />Neck Road North, to review the following zoning articles proposed for action at the October 17, <br />2016 Town Meeting: <br />18. An article submitted by the Board of Selectmen adding Section 174-30.1, "Sight <br />Obstruction" prohibiting signs, fences, walls, hedges or other visual obstructions more than <br />2.5 feet above the grade of the street within a triangular area on a corner lot formed by the <br />street layout lines 20 feet distant from their point of intersection, in order to promote public <br />safety at street intersections. <br />19, An article submitted by the Board of Selectmen deleting Section 174.33 "Setback from water <br />or wetlands" which currently requires structures to be set back at least 50 feet from water <br />bodies or wetlands. The Town's wetlands regulations contain a similar requirement enforced <br />by the Conservation Commission. <br />20, An article submitted by the Planning Board that amends footnote 14 of the Section 174-31 <br />Land Space Requirements Table by inserting the term "C-1 District or" before the term <br />"Mashpee Center Overlay District" in the first sentence. The article would remove the <br />requirement for a 50 -foot wide natural wooded buffer at the front of commercial lots along <br />Routes 28 and 15 1, Great Neck Road South and North in the C-1 Commercial zoning district, <br />located in the area of the Mashpee rotary. <br />21. An article submitted by the Planning Board that amends Section 174-31, Land Space <br />Requirements Table, by reducing the required side and rear setbacks in the R-5 Residential <br />zoning district from 25 to 15 feet, which would make them consistent with the same <br />requirements in the R-3 Residential zoning district. Aside from the matter of equity between <br />the districts, it is hoped that the amendment will reduce the number of potential variance <br />requests in the R-5 district, the vast majority of whose existing lots are much smaller than the <br />district's 80,000 square foot minimum lot size requirement, <br />The full text of these articles may be reviewed in the office of the Town Clerk or Town Planner <br />at Mashpee Town Hall. <br />Submitted by <br />Mary E. Waygan, Chair <br />Mashpee Planning Board <br />Publication dates: Friday, September 16, 2016 <br />Friday, September 23, 2016 <br />MASHPEE TOWN CLERK <br />SEP 15 2016 <br />RECEIVED BY.�� 5 <br />