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10/5/2016 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
10/5/2016 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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Mashpee Planning Board <br />Minutes of Meeting <br />October 5, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. <br />Waquoit Meeting Room, Mashpee Town Hall <br />Approved 10/19/16 <br />Planning Board Members Present: Chairman Mary Waygan, Dennis Balzarini, Joe <br />Cummings, David Kooharian, David Weeden, Robert (Rob) Hansen <br />Also: Tom Fudala-Town Planner, Charles Rowley -Consultant Engineer <br />CALL TO ORDER <br />The Town of Mashpec Planning Board meeting was opened with a quorum in the Waquoit <br />Meeting Room at Mashpee Town Hall by Chairman Waygan, at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, <br />October 5, 2016. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. <br />APPROVAL OF MINUTES—September 21, 2016 <br />MOTION: Mr. Balzarini made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Mr. <br />Cummings seconded the motion. 4 yes, 2 abstain <br />ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA REQUIRING ROLL CALL VOTE <br />MOTION: Mr. Balzarini made a motion to add to our agenda tonight, the proposed <br />Article 40 to see if the Town will vote to accept the layouts as public ways of Windsor Way, <br />Victoria Circle, Saxony Drive, Tudor Terrace and Sheffield Place by roll vote. Mr. <br />Kooharian seconded the motion. Mr. Hansen -yes; Mr. Weeden -yes; Mr. Balzarini-yes; Mr. <br />Cummings -yes; Chairman Waygan-yes; Mr. Kooharian-yes <br />MOTION: Mr. Balzarini made a motion for Article 31 to be placed on our agenda tonight. <br />Mr. Kooharian seconded the motion. Mr. Hansen -yes; Mr. Weeden -yes; Mr. Balzarini-yes; <br />Mr. Cummings -yes; Chairman Waygan-yes; Mr. Kooharian-yes <br />MOTION: Mr. Balzarini made a motion to add to the agenda the removal of the trees at <br />Windchime. Mr. Kooharian seconded the motion. Mr. Hansen -yes; Mr. Weeden -yes; Mr. <br />Balzarini-yes; Mr. Cummings -yes; Chairman Waygan-yes; Mr. Kooharian-yes <br />Mr. Fudala suggested that Mr. Cummings step down from consideration of the issue as a <br />property owner. When the Chair inquired about recusing himself, Mr. Cummings responded that <br />he did not see the matter as a conflict. <br />Article 40 <br />Planning Board members reviewed the plans regarding the Article 40 road taking. Mr. Fudala <br />noted that the taking documents would include drainage easements. The road was initially <br />intended to be connected to David Way to access South Sandwich Road. The road was be taken <br />to the point of David Way. The road was built with a turnaround/easement, on which is now <br />Conservation land, leaving a question as to how it would be addressed. Mr. Rowley stated that <br />1 <br />
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