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11/2/2016 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
11/2/2016 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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The decision was signed by Planning Board members. <br />Re -vegetation plan for Windchime Point Red Cedar Road circle <br />Mr. Fudala stated that the sketch submitted for the re -vegetation plan at Windchime lacked <br />detail. Chairman Cummings stated that the plan was for the area to remain as is until spring, but <br />concern had been expressed regarding deep holes. Mr. Rowley inquired whether stumps would <br />be ground and the Chair responded that they would. Additionally, Mr. Hansen inquired about <br />the blocks and Mr. Cummings responded that some blocks would be removed and others buried. <br />Mr. Balzarini recommended sending a letter requesting a specific plan as well as to request that <br />holes be filled. <br />MOTION: Mr. Balzarini made a motion to forward a letter to the landscaper at Wind <br />Chime to grind stumps and fill holes before Thanksgiving. Mr. Weeden seconded the <br />motion. All voted unanimously. <br />Mr. Fudala confirmed that he had requested by email more details on the plan. Mr. Rowley <br />recommended that the stumps be ground one foot below grade. <br />DEFINITIVE SUBDIVISION PLAN <br />Status of construction schedule for BCDM / Ockway Highlands road work <br />Mr. Fudala reported that additional complaints had been received from residents. Mr. Fudala <br />read for the record DPW Director Catherine Laurent's email regarding the curb cut permit. Mr. <br />Haney has responded that he will block access and install a fence by the end of the week. Plans <br />were to continue to use Blue Castle. Mr. Rowley stated that there was discussion during the <br />public hearing that Blue Castle would not be used for construction vehicles, but that Degrasse <br />would be used. Mr. Weeden stated that Blue Castle needed to be repaired, that it was filled with <br />potholes. Mr, Fudala stated that stumps were supposed to be removed by November 7 and Mr. <br />Rowley noted that, in conversation with Mr. Haney, he was told they would be removed the <br />week prior. <br />Mr. Virgilio expressed his frustration regarding a flawed system that did not allow the Planning <br />Board to enforce compliance with the developer. Mr. Virgilio expressed his concern about the <br />state of the area impacted by the developer and requested that further consideration occur among <br />Mashpee Boards giving more power to the Boards to control similar situations. Mr. Virgilio <br />expressed his appreciation at the Board's efforts to resolve the situation at Blue Castle Road. <br />Mr. Fudala read through the decision to identify conditions determined for the project. <br />Road construction plan for release of Covenant on 35 Fox Hill Road <br />Edwin Gless of Existing Grade, Inc. was present to distribute and discuss the plan on behalf of <br />the applicant. In order to develop the lot at 35 Fox Hill Road, it was required that roadwork be <br />completed within the subdivision at the east end of Silver Leaf, Mr. Gless described the <br />specifics of the plan. Mr. Gless had been in receipt of Mr. Rowley's comments about the plan. <br />Mr. Rowley confirmed that he had received the upgraded plans, which included his <br />recommended changes. Mr. Rowley's letter recommends the construction proposal and, upon <br />receipt and Board approval of the work cost proposal, recommends the covenant release. The <br />2 <br />
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