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11/16/2016 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
11/16/2016 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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Haney were to install a stone apron or silt fence. Mr. Fudala reported that Mr. Haney opted to <br />install the silt fence, which now meant that construction vehicles would be utilizing Blue Castle <br />Road. There was discussion as to whether the Special Permit required use of Degrasse Road. <br />Although there was extensive discussion about trucks not using Blue Castle in the minutes, it <br />was not detailed in the Special Permit Conditions. Mr. Rowley emailed Ms. Laurent that the <br />fence in place was insufficient without hay bales, which would keep sediment from accessing the <br />road. It appeared that only two hay bales had been added. The Chair requested that a letter be <br />sent to Ms. Laurent asking that she inspect the site to meet Mr. Rowley's recommendations. W. <br />Weeden recommended reviewing the minutes to send a letter encouraging Mr. Haney to <br />complete work he promised to do. Mr. Rowley confirmed that Mr. Haney stated he would pull <br />stumps by the end of October only, and that all additional work would be completed by Robert <br />Our in the spring. Water service was also to be installed. Mr. Fudala stated that 40 trees had <br />been removed. <br />Mr. Hansen inquired about the road leveling and Mr. Fudala responded that the upgrades would <br />be the responsibility of the Association, in the long term. Mr. Fudala stated that Mr. Haney had <br />told the neighbors that he would bring in stone to level out the road before winter and Mr. <br />Weeden pointed out that promises were also made at previous meetings. There was discussion <br />regarding the need to add more detail, such as timing and deadlines, to future Special Permits, <br />Mr. Weeden inquired whether there was a means to withdraw the permit. Mr. Fudala responded <br />that a Special Permit could be rescinded in a Public Hearing process, but would require a very <br />good reason to show that the developer was in violation. The only opportunity occurred during <br />the Special Permit extension, but NIr, Balzarini pointed out that Mr. Haney technically fulfilled <br />requirements by staking the parcel. Mr. Rowley added that Mr. Haney placed the lots in a <br />Covenant which did not require a time limit. <br />The Chair suggested that Mr. Haney be invited to attend the next meeting, as well as neighbors <br />Mr. Lubrano and Mr. Dorsey. <br />BOARD ITEMS <br />New Business <br />Conservation Agent Andrew McManus re: 50 ft. zoning setback from water and <br />wetlands -Mr. McManus was unable to attend tonight's meeting so the item will be moved to the <br />next agenda. The Chair inquired whether Board members had any questions and Mr. Balzarini <br />responded that he wanted to know from Mr. McManus the purpose of the proposed bylaw. Mr. <br />Fudala explained that the bylaw was an effort to avoid doubling the work for the applicant. The <br />Chair stated that she would like to hear about examples, adding that variances should be difficult <br />to obtain. It was noted that bylaw changes should be reviewed and discussed ahead of time with <br />the Planning Board. <br />Discussion of Planning Board review of Town road tapings -The Chair referenced <br />emails regarding the process for the Planning Board to review Town road takings. Mr. Fudala <br />responded that the Planning Board was allowed to only have access to the plans the day of the <br />Public Hearing, and plans are then returned to the Selectmens' office. The Chair stated that <br />seeing the plans at the Public Hearing allowed no time to make suggestions if there were <br />comments. Mr. Rowley drafted his thoughts and pointed out an example of plans with <br />2 <br />
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