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12/21/2016 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
12/21/2016 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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garage door originally proposed would be replaced with a standard sized door, to allow more space for <br />equipment. The right elevation depicted the existing three windows, and as required by HDC, the top <br />windows proposed would be removed. The Naukabout sign design has been approved by all <br />committees. <br />Mr. Fudala provided Board members with the HDC decision to including 1) upper level of windows on <br />the south side not approved, 2) front three double hung windows reduced due to location of bathrooms, <br />3) asphalt roof in dark color, 4) the cupola may have a metal roof, 5) board and batten has been <br />approved and 6) building wall color "cranberry sauce" wood stain is approved. <br />The Chair inquired about the request to light the cupola and Mr. Cummings confirmed that Design <br />Review expressed concern about light pollution since it was located in a desolate area. The Chair <br />inquired about where the customers would be located outside to which Mr. Mumer responded that <br />customers would be in a cordoned off area between the retaining wall, fencing and gates. There will <br />be an outside service window and customers would also be able to walk outside with beers purchased <br />inside. Customers will not be allowed to exit the front door with an open beer. <br />Mr. Weeden inquired about fence height and Mr. Murner responded that it would be approximately 3 <br />feet as required and would be a black metal fence. There would also be black lighting fixtures. <br />Mr. Fudala will draft a Special Permit Decision featuring the six approvals granted by the HDC. Mr. <br />Fudala noted that Plan Review approved the plant as is and Design Review approved the plan subject to <br />the Historic District Commission. Board members were in support of the modifications. <br />Re -vegetation plan for Windchime Point Red Cedar Road circle <br />Mr. Fudala confirmed that he sent another email requesting a more detailed plan, but one has not yet <br />been received. The Chair suggested that another email be sent indicating that the issue would be added <br />to the next meeting's agenda. Mr. Fudala has been in contact with Anthony Colletti. <br />RELEASE OF COVENANT <br />Release of Road Covenant on 35 Fox Hill Road in exchange for cash performance <br />guarantee <br />Mr. Fudala stated that the proposed amount of $15,000 received fi-om Mr. Bevilaqua, who also planned <br />to complete the work, did not have a breakdown of costs. Mr. Rowley proposed an amount of $22,500 <br />for the work. The item will be added to the agenda for the next meeting. <br />DEFINITIVE SUBDIVISION PLAN <br />Status of construction schedule for BCDM / Ockway Highlands road work/grading to <br />allow winter snow plowing <br />Mr. Fudala reported that he had been in touch with neighbors Tim Dorsey and Eric Lubrano, Mr. <br />Haney delivered crushed pavement material and a bobcat and Mr. Lubrano spread the material on the <br />road. Mr. Dorsey has confirmed that the work completed would be sufficient for him to plow during <br />the winter. Mr. Rowley inspected the road indicating that pot holes remained. M. Balzarini reported <br />that the snow fence was down at Degrasse with no straw bales in place. Mr. Rowley confirmed that <br />the DPW was aware of the situation. <br />BOARD ITEMS <br />New Business <br />2 <br />
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