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3 <br />Mashpee Planning Board <br />Minutes of Meeting <br />August 3, 2016 at7i00 p.m. <br />Waquoit Meeting Room, Mashpee Town Hall <br />Planning ,Board Members Present: Chairman Mary Waygan, Dennis Balzarini, David <br />Kooharian, Joe Cummings, David Weeden . <br />Also: Tom Fudala-Town Planner, Charles Rowley -Consultant Engineer <br />Absent: Robert (Rob) Hansen <br />CALL TO ORDER <br />The Town of Mashpee Planning Board meeting was opened with a quorum. in the Waquoit <br />Meeting Room at Mashpee Town Hall by Chairman Waygan, at 7:04 p.m. on Wednesday, <br />August 3, 2016. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. <br />APPROVAL OF MINUTES—July 20, 2016 <br />The Chair and Mr. Weeden submitted recommended changes to the minutes. <br />MOTION: Mr. Balzarini made a motion to accept the minutes as amended. Mr. <br />Kooharian seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br />DEFINITIVE SUBDIVISION PLAN <br />Status of construction schedule for BCDM / Ockway Highlands road work <br />Chairman Waygan indicatedthat-she-had sent -a.letter ,to BCDM r-equesting,that.they return to the <br />Planning Board to present a road construction schedule for the Ockway Highlands project. The <br />intent was to develop a schedule that would reduce the impact to neighbors :and increase the <br />efficiency of the work. Mr. Rowley has reviewed the schedule. <br />Matt Haney was present to discuss the schedule and reported that their work on Blue Castle <br />Drive had been held up by Verizon, who left equipment in the road and who needed to relocate <br />their line. Mr. Haney indicated that Verizon's work had been scheduled to be completed in June. <br />Mr. Haney has since been in contact with the Verizon engineer who would review the site <br />tomorrow, in order to move forward. Mr. Haney stated that, once the equipment°was removed, <br />he would be able to schedule the work with his contractor. <br />Mr. Haney referenced the covenant on his lots and completion of the project in two phases, due <br />to the neighbor's request that Blue Castle be completed. Mr. Haney requested. a release for the <br />10 lots after completion of Blue Castle, which would occur prior to working on Carriage Road <br />where 4 homes would be located. Mr. Haney also reported that the lot on Degrasse would be <br />deeded to Habitat for Humanity. Mr. Rowley stated that some projects delayed placing top <br />course of mix until construction was complete, and inquired about Mr. Haney's plan for Blue <br />Castle. Mr. Haney responded that they wanted to complete Blue Castle for the neighbors, adding <br />that there would be limited heavy equipment traveling the road, anticipating usage of Carriage <br />Road for construction access. Mr. Rowley responded that, as long as the work was completed <br />according to plan, including landscaping, loam and seed, paving and utilities, a partial release <br />could be granted. Mr. Fudala confirmed that construction trucks would use Blue Castle, but <br />