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8/3/2016 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
8/3/2016 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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Carriage Road, and Mr. Haney agreed. Mr. Weeden requested clarification about truck access <br />and the Covenant and Mr. Fudala summarized the Covenant. Chairman Waygan added that <br />construction truck access Carriage had been listed in the Special Permit. <br />Mr. Rowley confirmed that the schedule sequence for Blue Castle was alright and suggested that <br />any changes to road surfacing be communicated. Mr. Haney responded that he would notify the <br />Planning Board of any changes regarding the status with Verizon. Mr. Rowley requested that <br />Mr. Flaney keep him informed and notify hila when he would be ready for an inspection. <br />RELEASE OF PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE <br />Ba;y=skater Development, LLC, request for release of remaining $64,245 <br />performance guarantee for Flat Pond subdivision <br />The Chair read for the record the request, as well as Mr. Rowley's August 2 letter regarding <br />Bayswater. Mr. Fudala shared the Record of Performance Guarantee requesting a vote from the <br />Board to release the remainder of the security guarantee totaling $64,245. <br />MOTION: Mr. Balzarini made a motion to release the remaining $64,245 Performance <br />Guarantee for Flat Pond Circle. Mr. Kooharian seconded the enation. All voted <br />unanimously. <br />Mr. Rowley noted that the pavement of the road was one of the best projects he had seen in some <br />time. Board members signed the Record of Performance Guarantee. <br />John Falacci, Project Manager for Bayswater requested an adjustment to Phase Il of the <br />Cottages, which has been approved. As a result of posting cash bond, a lot release was granted <br />by Planning Board. The property was located within Land Court jurisdiction, which has now <br />issued lot numbers, so Bayswater wishes to record lot releases. Land Court wants everything in <br />a lot, including rain gardens. Mr. Falacci was requesting a minor addendum to the Lot Release <br />with the lot numbers issued by Land Court. Mr. Fudala explained that a page was being <br />substituted. <br />MOTION: Chairman Waygan made a motion by roll call vote to add the following agenda <br />item to our meeting to be the modification of the Release of Covenant Agreement for <br />Cottages at New Scabury Phase II. Mr. Kooharian seconded the motion. Mr. Weeden -yes; <br />Mr. Cummings -yes; Mr. Balzarini-yes; Chairman Wayes <br />gan-yes; Mr. Kooharian-yes <br />Mr. Rowley inquired whether the Land Court had released its decree plans. Mr. Falacci was <br />unsure but believed that the attorney had the information. Mr. Rowley requested that a set of the <br />plans with new numbers be forwarded to him.. Mr. Falacci agreed to supply the information. <br />MOTION: Mr. Balzarini made a motion to amend the Release of Covenant Agreement to <br />include the Land Court lot numbers. Mr. Kooharian seconded the motion. All voted <br />unanimously. <br />BOARD ITEMS <br />New Business <br />2 <br />
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