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COUNCIL ON AGING MINUTES <br />DECEMBER 9,201S <br />Present: Council on Aging Members Irving Goldberg, Jack Jordan, Jean Noussee, <br />Virginia McIntyre, Ernest Cornelssen, Marijo Gorney, Mary Gaffney, Council on Aging <br />Director Lynne Waterman. <br />Absent: Norah McCormick, Outreach Coordinator Darlene Perkins <br />Chairman Irving Goldberg opened the meeting at 8:35 a.m. <br />APPROVAL OF MINUTES —November 18, 2015 <br />Motion: Jack Jordan anoved to approve the minutes of November 18, 2015, <br />seconded by Jean Nousseee Vote unanimous 7-0 <br />Public Comments <br />None <br />COMMUNICATIONS AND CORRESPONDENCE <br />Lynne Waterman, Director, distributed her report for the month of November. <br />She reported she met with several leaders of various activities and she and the Activity <br />Coordinator met with an instructor for a possible new art class_ The Director met with <br />one of the police officers to plan a future program and she and the Outreach Coordinator <br />met with the Director of the dental clinic of the Community Health Center. <br />The Director thanked the DPW staff who did routine maintenance work on the van and <br />repaired a leak in one of the tires. She also thanked them for fixing a leak in the ceiling <br />and replacing some of the lights in the building. She reported that the annual fire alarm <br />and sprinkler system inspection were completed as well as the stove hood cleaning and <br />inspection. <br />The Director reviewed the meetings she attended: Department Head, Staff, Mashpee <br />Cares, Human Services Committee, CIRCA, and Parkinson's' Support Network of Cape <br />Cod. <br />The Director reported she along with a Council on Aging board member conducted <br />interviews of the new candidates for the property tax work off program. She also <br />participated in a telephone call and focus group meeting regarding the Community Health <br />Center and Cape Cod Healthcare to discuss the unmet health needs of Mashpee seniors. <br />She also stated that the Office Assistant sent out an email broadcast to approximately 900 <br />members and the feedback was very positive. <br />