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10/8/2015 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
10/8/2015 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
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A motion was made by Jill Allen and seconded by Kevin Shackett to moue to Old Business at <br />this time. The motion was adopted. <br />OLD BUSINESS: <br />a) Meeting with Town Manager Rodney_ Colli ns/CPC—Housing Assistance Program: The <br />board thanked Town Manager Rodney Collins for coming to the meeting. The chair stated that he wished <br />to start with the Executive Director reviewing what the housing authority does, because some people are <br />not aware. Mrs. Botsford reviewed the start of the housing authority, how we are not a town department <br />but a separate entity created under its own law to meet the needs of the citizen's needs in Mashpee as it <br />pertains to affordable housing. We have a five -member Board of Commissioners, 4 elected, one <br />appointed by the Governor. The board hires an Executive Director to oversee the day-to-day operations <br />of the housing authority. Mrs. Botsford has five staff members in Mashpee that assist her. Mrs. Botsford <br />then outlined the accomplishments we have made over the years. We are up to owning and/or managing <br />over two -hundred units of housing including 30 units of Public Housing in Mashpee (Homeyer Village and <br />Breezy Acres), 38 Project Based Massachusetts Rental Vouchers (MRVP) at Mashpee Village, 29 Mobile <br />MRVP vouchers, 2 Alternative Housing Vouchers, a few Section 8 Vouchers, 56 units of Low income <br />Housing Tax Credit housing for people 55 and older (Asher's Path), 10 units of affordable, rental housing <br />(Great Cove Community) and 56 units of public housing at Brewster Housing Authority, in addition to 10 <br />MRVPs there. Mrs. Botsford then went on to explain the Housing Assistance Program that had been <br />funded through the Town's Community Preservation Committee and how it worked. She reviewed the <br />five different facets of the program: short term rental assistance (6 months to two years of rental <br />assistance); emergency rent assistance; emergency mortgage assistance; first/last/security deposit <br />assistance; and first-time homebuyer assistance. Mrs. Botsford explained that, other than the short term <br />assistance, which is modeled after a voucher program, the others are loans that get repaid back to the <br />program to help others in need. Mr. Halpern mentioned that the CPC has fully supported this program, <br />but the selectmen took it off of the warrant when we had applied to renew the program after the first <br />three years. A short discussion ensued and Mr. Collins assured the board that he hoped to move forward <br />with the common interest of meeting the needs of the Mashpee community. Mrs. Botsford stated that <br />she will put together the housing authority's application to continue the funding, will copy Mr. Collins on <br />it, and make herself available to meet with him and/or any selectmen that have questions or concern <br />about it. Mrs. Botsford and the board thanks Mr. Collins for coming to our meeting and stated we felt very <br />encouraged by the discussion. <br />The chair then moved back to the regular agenda. <br />SECRETARY'S REPORT: Minutes for the regular meeting held on September 10, 2015 were mailed to <br />members before the meeting. A motion was made by Richard Halpern and seconded by Jill Allen <br />to accept the minutes as presented. The motion was adopted. <br />TREASURER'S REPORT: <br />Budget to Actual Report: Mrs. Botsford presented the Budget to Actual Report, prepared by the Fee <br />Accountant for period ended 9/30/015. Mrs. Botsford reminded the board that the budget was submitted <br />to DHCD last month, but had not yet been approved by DHCD, so the figures on the report are actually <br />based on last year's approved budget. Figures will change once the budget is approved. <br />Accounts Payables: Mrs. Botsford presented the warrants for signature. The warrants for signature <br />tonight are for the month of September 2015 and total as follows: $47,098.64 for 4001, $3,696.00 for <br />Section 8, $42,700.00 for MRVP, $39,692.74 for Asher's Path Apartments, $928.00 for HAP, and <br />$10,448.59 for Great Cove Community. <br />Page 2 of 6 <br />
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