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)vF Town <br />wy <br />U x <br />of Mash1jee <br />16 Great Neck Road North <br />Mashpee, MA 02649 <br />Telephone - (508) 539 1438;:. <br />Wayne ,Taylor, a retired member, in the Mashpee Roard .ot S electmen ihas <br />expressed interest in volunteering at the Archives. <br />Our By -Laws state that Commissioners attend regular .an'd,special meetings;. <br />however no discussion of absences. At present two commissioners have not been <br />able to attend because of health concerns, and it has ;become increasingly difficult <br />for us to have a quorum',in order to.hold, official meetings- A.discussionxQgarding <br />repired attendance: at meetings and presence. in.Archives; during publictours <br />should -be held at. next meeting, <br />A motion was made, and seconded,, that we accept,the Minutes of .the September <br />25, 2014, meeting as presented. <br />Reports: <br />Rosemary,reported her book - Mashpee in Words; and:P� Oures is at Rock: Village <br />Publishing, and .will b,e in print in approxi , ately: 6.weeks.. They,wil.1°°print 150.0>> - <br />copies, and -she plans to have signings at the Isaiah ,Thomas,Book Store; .and <br />possibly at the Open Houses for the Mashpee Schools in the fall. A mitigation <br />donation of $22,500 has. been received from National.Development .the.4eveloper <br />of Bridges .at Mashpee. The Community Preservation Committee approved funds <br />to initiate the project <br />Frank J. Lord, Schoolhouse,Master,.reporte'd.that in spite of the construction <br />project .of the Community Park and landscaping of the whole area, total <br />resurfacing of the parking lot behind the Archives and inclement weather, all seven <br />third grade classes were able to participate in a field trip to the One -Room <br />Schoolhouse during June: 2015, Frank is .conducting -his usual summer tours of the <br />schoolhouse on Thursdays -from 10:00am-2.00pm. He, also will conduct tours, <br />upon email and telephone requests, at other convenient times. There have been a <br />few visitors who have received information about the tours being available from <br />reading the Maftele COM/Prime Time? .article. Also, Shane Kinsman, from <br />Mashpee TV, Comcast .Channel; 99., is making a documentary .about'the <br />