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A <br />16 Great Neck Road North <br />Mashpee, Massachusetts 0264.9 <br />Telephone - (508) 539-1438 <br />MASHPEE HISTORICAL COMMISSION <br />Minutes of Meeting — October 1, 2015 <br />The Town of Mashpee Historical Commission meeting was called to order in the Archives 9;30 am by <br />Nancy Soderberg, Chairperson. <br />Commissioners present: Ava Costello, Frank Lord, Rosemary Burns Love, Gordon Peters, and Nancy <br />Soderberg. <br />Commissioners not present: Brian Hyde and Joan Tavares -Avant. <br />Kathy Mahoney, Mashpee Public Library, was asked to reschedule, Her review of Roving Archivist <br />Rachel Onuf's report was put back on the Agenda for the next meeting in November. Printed summary of <br />Rachel's report are available. There was not enough time before the September 9 deadline for Kathleen to <br />submit a proposal for additional funding for a return visit by Rachel to implement her suggestions. <br />Frank Lord approved the Minutes from both the July 30"' and the September 3`d Meetings. <br />Rosemary's book has been published and 1500 copies were delivered on Sept 1. They were distributed <br />for sale at Market Street and Isaiah Thomas bookstores, Mashpee Public Library and New Seabury <br />Country Club, On Sept 7 we were notified by Market ,Street Book that 4 customers returned their copies <br />because the bindings cracked. (After spot checking several boxes, Rosemary notified Yolanda and Ed <br />Lodi, Rock Village Publishing and they immediately initiated the reprinting and binding of all books at <br />their expense. We recovered unsold books from resellers and returned 41 of the 46 boxes to the book <br />printer who picked them up on Sept 8. The first 200 reprinted books were delivered by Yolanda and Ed <br />Lodi on Sept 11 and we passed them to resellers. The Lodi's made a second delivery of 330 books on Sept <br />17, a third delivery of 495 books was made by Yolanda on Sept 24 and the final delivery of 495 is <br />arriving this morning.) We replaced books given to selectmen, town department heads and contributors <br />but'did not attempt to recover their defective copies. Customers who purchased from the Archives were <br />called and given a replacement copy. Rosemary will be at the Mashpce Public Library on October 10, <br />from 10:30am to 12:00 pm for a book signing. She is available to answer questions and with Ann has <br />prepared a power point collection of photos from the book and some from the archives photo collection to <br />cycle automatically on the library screen. She is leaving for Florida on October 17t", but Nancy and Ann <br />will be at Town Meeting on October 19"' to sell books and run the power point display on a laptop. <br />Rosemary may do another book signing at the Market Street Bookshop in December, possibly Dec 20th <br />when she returns fi•om Florida. Ann will contact the bookstore to discuss. Rosemary will autograph a box <br />of books before leaving. Whether or not books are sold, Rosemary is very grateful to have the opportunity <br />to gather Mashpee history together. There has been no feedback yet on the book. <br />
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