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We discussed sending copies to libraries, including Boston Public Library and Mass. Historical Society <br />and agreed to send one to all Cape Cod libraries. Postage for single book (1 lb, 1 oz) is $3.22 media rate, <br />$5.95 priority, $16.95 overnight. Nancy suggested using cash sales to cover postage prior to payment by <br />purchaser. Kathy Mahoney has told us that she can distribute copies to the CLAMS (Cape and Islands) <br />library directors for us at their meeting in Oct. <br />The first two articles on the Town Warrant/Town Meeting Oct 19 affect the Historical Commission and <br />were added to the Warrant by the Town Manager. Article 1 is to set up a Revolving Account for the <br />Historical Commission to deposit funds from the book sales. Proceeds from the sale of the book will go <br />into this new account to be used for Mashpee historic preservation. Article 2 asks for monies for <br />furnishing for town buildings, including monies for shelving and other furnishing needs. <br />Rosemary described publishing her first Mashpee history for the town's 125th anniversary. All sales from <br />the book went into the town General Account with none available for the Historical Commission, Upon <br />approval of a Revolving Account, all monies from the new book sales will be turned over to the <br />Treasurer for deposit in the Revolving Account to be used by the Historical Commission. Ann will be <br />responsible for collecting and delivering money to the Treasurer, with a break down for the book <br />($24.95), sales tax ($1.56), and postage. Nancy will takeover when Ann leaves for the winter. There will <br />be no restrictions on use of these funds by the Commission. <br />Rosemary itiforined its that we have a Donation Aeeowit se€ up wider Chainuati Awe Tanneyhill with ars <br />anonymous $10,000 donation for preservation of town history, with some very broad stipulations about <br />the use of these monies. There is a balance of $5400. <br />Frank suggested that we move on to status of boxes being moved into the building, what should we be <br />doing. Nancy reported that we have a new volunteer, Ed O'Connor, who has been working with her since <br />August, to bring back most of the boxes taken to Anchor Storage in January 2012. Nancy would like <br />access to many of the boxes to learn the history of the Historical Commission and to answer the public 's <br />inquiries. Ed, Frank and Nancy picked up 3 unused bookcases donated by the Brooks Free Library, <br />Harwich, to use while sorting contents of the boxes temporarily moved into the basement. (In July we <br />also received the loan of 4 folding tables from the Friends of Mashpee Library to place the boxes on as we <br />work, and 2 folding tables from Mashpee Library children's department arranged by Director Kathleen <br />Mahoney.) Nancy would like to finish moving the boxes, so the file cabinets are unobstructed and can be <br />moved. <br />We had some discussion about how to arrange the 13 file cabinets which remain at the storage facility. <br />Catherine Laurent, DPW will move them as soon as we are ready. Frank and I need to develop a layout <br />for the file cabinets on both floors. Town Manager Collins has assured us we will have bookcases and <br />shelving but we need to see the floor plans developed by WB Mason salesman Bob Thorpe so we can <br />decide where the file cabinets can be placed. <br />Rosemary emailed to Mr. Collins scanned pictures of furniture and layout on both floors before <br />renovations and marked items lost in the move. He is very willing to assist us in making the space <br />useable again. The 2017 budget may be able to replace the lost items as well as increase Ann's number of <br />working hours to put the Archives back together again. Ann is willing to work another day each week <br />during this period. (As a part-time employee she cannot exceed 19 hours a week.) <br />