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chambers with four feet of stone. The only variance is for the depth because the leaching system will be <br />greater than 3 feet below grade. The abutters are connected to Town water, and there is more than 100 feet to <br />the vegetated wetland. <br />Lucy Burton made a motion that the Board of Health have the Health Agent review and approve the plans for <br />87 Lighthouse Lane unless additional variances are required to be approved by the Board of Health in order to <br />proceed with the septic repair upgrade. Kalliope Egloff seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously <br />approved. <br />3. Update on Failed Septic System: 46 Pond Circle. <br />Glen Harrington commented that at the last meeting the Board of Health directed the Health Agent to send a <br />condemnation letter to the owners of 46 Pond Circle because it has been more than two years that the septic <br />system failed. Mr. Harrington contacted Kendall Ayers at the Barnstable County Septic Loan Program and was <br />advised that no application has been submitted to repair the septic system. Craig Mayen, Town Treasurer, <br />notified Mr. Harrington that the property is still in Tax Title. Gail Wilson, Human Services, informed Mr. <br />Harrington that she was contacted by the owners of 46 Pond Circle to discuss the situation. That meeting will <br />be held Friday, December 4, 2015, at 1:00 PM. Mr. Harrington will request that the owners complete a loan <br />application and submit it to the Barnstable County Septic Loan Program before December 17, 2015. <br />4. Condemnation Update: 71 Lakeside Estates. <br />Glen Harrington remarked that there is no additional information on 71 Lakeside Estates. <br />5. Housing Update: P-103 Deer Crossing, Shellback Way. <br />Glen Harrington stated that the Finance Committee will meet on December 17, 2015, to approve the money in <br />order to award the bid for P-103 Deer Crossing, Shellback Way. <br />ADDITIONAL TOPICS <br />Animal Inspector Stipend. <br />Glen Harrington commented that the auditors for the Town of Mashpee have requested that the Animal <br />Inspector be paid through payroll. As of the last audit, the auditors required supporting information of when the <br />Board adopted the $450 stipend. Mr. Harrington researched the stipend and discovered that in 1991 the Board <br />approved two equal distribution of funds to the two animal inspectors. An amount was not mentioned in the <br />motion, but the amount has always been included in the budget. The Board of Health motion from 1991 also <br />referred to an Animal Inspector Account. Mr. Harrington is requesting the Board of Health to vote the amount of <br />$450 to be paid to each animal inspector, as next year's budget will include two animal inspectors. <br />Lucy Burton made a motion that the Board of Health approve the Animal Inspector's annual stipend of $450.00 <br />each. Kalliope Egloff seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved. <br />DISCUSSION <br />1. Meeting Update -- Mashpee Cares Committee Meeting: Glen Harrington. <br />Glen Harrington attended his first Mashpee Cares Committee Meeting. The Committee reviewed the <br />Barnstable County Regional Substance Abuse Council's action plan for 2015 through 2020. The members <br />were asked to choose certain parts of the plan that they would like to see implemented. Portions of the report <br />were selected, and the members chose prevention versus treatment. The Committee felt that there would be <br />more of an impact with prevention. At the next meeting, Carl Alves, from MassTAPP, will help the Committee <br />focus and implement these goals. <br />2. Meeting Update — Waste Management Committee Meeting: Kalliope Egloff. <br />Kalliope Egloff commented that the final meeting of the Waste Management Committee will be December 14, <br />2015. The Chairman of the Waste Management Committee requested that all recommendations be submitted <br />in writing. Therefore, Ms. Egloff submitted the approved Board of Health October 15, 2015, Minutes where the <br />goals and recommendations of the Waste Management Committee were discussed. <br />