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Minutes <br />Mashpee Cultural Council <br />Monday, July 13, 2015 <br />Present: Barbara Cotton, Sarah Daley, Patty DeBoer, John Miller, Bruce Taggart, <br />Dawn Thayer, Madeleine Walsh <br />Absent: Susan Clark (new member), Joyce Mason, Lynne Waterman <br />The meeting was called to order by Ms. Cotton at 9:22 a.m. <br />Minutes <br />The minutes of the meeting on June 1, 2015 were tabled until the next meeting on Monday, September 14, 2015. <br />New Business <br />Membership <br />Dawn Thayer and Patty DeBoer were welcomed and reminded to complete basics training if not having done so. <br />After discussion about the timeframe of current council members' tenure, John Miller made a motion to delay <br />accepting any new council members until after the next round of the grant. This would allow for a more staggered <br />departure and influx of member, allowing for more mentoring and experience in the future. Barbara also reminded the <br />council that all members must live in Mashpee. Motion was seconded by Bruce Taggart. <br />VOTE: Unanimous of those present, 7-0 <br />Thank you Joyce Mason <br />As an expression of the Council's gratitude for Joyce Mason's dedicated service on the Council, Ms. Cotton indicated she <br />would deliver flowers and a signed card to her office at Town Hall. Ms. Mason is retiring from her positions in town this <br />July. <br />Publicity <br />A sample of the Council banner that is to be used at events sponsored by the Council was presented to members by <br />Sarah Daley and Barbara Cotton, both of whom designed the product with some suggestions by John Miller. The banner <br />is currently being printed. It is hoped that council members will attend events that were awarded grants and bring the <br />banner with them. <br />John Miller volunteered to design and fund rack cards to further publicize the work of the Council by possibly using the <br />same design as the banner for the front of the card and the mission statement on the reverse side. He has also created <br />a Facebook page. <br />Mentorship <br />New members are encouraged to seek any necessary guidance or answers to questions from Council members on the <br />contact list. <br />Contact List <br />Sarah Daley will prepare a contact list with information on and for each Council member. <br />Treasurer's Report <br />In addition to distributing a current Council member list with each person's start and end date of service, Treasurer <br />Bruce Taggart also distributed a list of funded and denied projects in 2015 noting which grant recipients have been <br />reimbursed as of 7/10/15 and that Missoula Children's Theater—Aladdin was cancelled, and that $5oo will be rolled into <br />the FY 16 grant fund. <br />All funded projects/events are to be completed within one calendar year, Jan. 1— Dec. 31. <br />