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-2- <br /> Ongoing <br /> ,-.On oing Projects <br /> Rosemary Burrs has written several articles on the history of Mashpee which are for <br /> sale at the Archives. We ask for a nominal donation of 1 to cover the cost of the <br /> printing. Recently Rosemary wrote a report on the history of the Ellis rug which is on <br /> display at the Indian Museum. she has also written a new article on the history of <br /> Mashpee's libraries. <br /> New Business: <br /> Catherine Laurent attended our meeting to go over the proposed budget and schedule <br /> of business items that need addressing so that we can prepare for the up-coming <br /> reconstruction of our building. Rosemary informed us that the present building was <br /> approved to be built in 1962, but it actually opened as Mashpee's Library in 1966. We <br /> discussed various storage companies in Mashpee, and some of the Commissioners will <br /> be checking with therm to see what the costs would be to store our collection while <br /> construction is on-going. Nand was assisting at our new library when they were <br /> undergoing their new construction period, and she is willing to check in with them for <br /> information that we might also find helpful. she will also be working on our book <br /> collection to identify any books that we might want to donate to our library. Nancy will <br /> check on some of Mashpee's storage facilities which may offer free storage'for our <br /> materials during reconstruction. Rosemary will check on window options for our new <br /> building which is located within Mashpee's historic district. <br /> Catherine told us that after the items are cataloged and packed, the DPW and perhaps <br /> a few folks from the Sheriff's department will assist with the moving of our items to and <br /> from the storage company. she said we should look into hiring a lame moving truck as <br /> any trucks at the DPW would be inappropriate. We discussed proposed exterior <br /> changes such as handicapped front access, a covered entry at the back of the building, <br /> and the doors and windows will be replaced. In addition, changes to our parking lot are <br /> due to begin in August for another road improvement Town project. rosemary Burns <br /> commented that we will need to keep our museum-quality materials upstairs. After the <br /> reconstruction, we hope to be able to expand our working area to using our basement. <br /> Rosemary Burns made a motion to rejoin the cape and Islands Historical Society, and it <br /> was seconded. We also seconded a motion to join the Tales of cape cod arts <br /> foundation which Frank Lord has been working with. <br /> Nancy has requested Adobe software to be able to scan documents and photos <br /> pertaining to the history of Mashpee. She will be working on this as an on-going project. <br /> The meeting was adjourned at 1 : 5pr . The next meeting of the Mashpee Historical <br /> Commission will be held on Thursday, August 4, 2011, at. 11:00am. <br />