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(Old Business, cont'd) <br />• May 4, 2015 Town Meeting Warrant * Vote Required <br />Special Town Meeting Articles <br />Article 1. Schmidt moved, seconded by Klenert to recommend approval of Articlel . Roll Call Vote: <br />Schmidt, yes; Klenert, yes; Cook, yes; Gasior, yes; Murphy yes; DelPonte, yes. The motion was <br />approved by a vote of (6-0). <br />Article 2. HOLD until a final Snow and Ice # is available. <br />Article 3. Gasior moved, seconded by Schmidt, to recommend approval of Article 3. Roll Call Vote: <br />Schmidt, yes; Klenert, yes; Cook, yes; Gasior, yes; Murphy, yes; DelPonte, yes. The motion was <br />approved by a vote of (6-0). <br />Article 4. Gasior moved,seconded by Murphy, to recommend approval of Article 4. Roll Call Vote: <br />DelPonte, yes; Murphy yes; Gasior, yes; Cook, yes; Klenert, yes; Schmidt, yes. The motion was <br />approved by a vote of (6-0). <br />Article 5. DelPonte moved,seconded by Klenert, to recommend approval of Article 5. Roll Call Vote: <br />Schmidt, yes; Klenert,yes; Cook, yes; Gasior, yes; Murphy, yes; DelPonte, yes. The motion was <br />approved by a vote of (6-0). <br />Article 6. Gasior made a motion to NOT recommend approval Article 6. Schmidt seconded the <br />motion. Roll Call Vote: Schmidt, yes; Klenert, yes; Cook, yes; Gasior, yes; Murphy, yes; DelPonte, <br />yes. The motion NOT to recommend approval of Article 6 was passed by a vote of (6-0). <br />Article 7. HOLD until released by the Board of Selectmen <br />Article 8. Schmidt made a motion to recommend approval of Article 8, seconded by Gasior. Roll Call <br />Vote: Schmidt, yes; Klenert,yes; Cook, yes; Gasior, yes; Murphy, yes; DelPonte,yes. The motion was <br />approved by a vote of (6-0). <br />Article 9. Gasior made a motion, seconded by DelPonte, to recommend approval of Article 9. Roll <br />Call Vote: Schmidt abstained; Klenert, no; Cook, yes; Gasior, yes; Murphy, yes; DelPonte,yes. The <br />motion was approved by a vote of (4-1-1). <br />Article 10. Schmidt made a motion, seconded by DelPonte, to recommend approval of Article 10. Roll <br />Call Vote: Schmidt, yes; Klenert, yes; Cook, yes; Gasior, yes; Murphy, yes; DelPonte, yes. The <br />motion was approved by a vote of (6-0). <br />Article 11. DelPonte made a motion, seconded by Murphy, to recommend approval of Article 11. Roll <br />Call Vote: DelPonte, yes; Murphy, yes; Gasior, yes; Cook, yes; Klenert, yes; Schmidt, yes. The motion <br />was approved by a vote of (6-0). <br />Article 12. Murphy made a motion, seconded by Gasior, to recommend approval of Article 12. Roll <br />Call Vote: DelPonte, yes; Murphy, yes; Gasior, yes; Cook, yes; Klenert, yes; Schmidt, yes. The motion <br />was approved by a vot of (6-0). <br />Article 13. Klenert made a motion, seconded by Gasior, to recommend approval of Article 13. Roll <br />Call Vote: Schmidt, yes; Klenert,yes; Cook, yes; Gasior, yes; Murphy, yes; DelPonte, yes. The motion <br />was approved by a vote of (6-0). <br />Annual Town Meeting Articles <br />Article 1. Gasior moved, seconded by Schmidt, to recommend approval of Article 1. Roll Call Vote: <br />Schmidt, yes; Klenert, yes; Cook, yes; Gasior, yes; Murphy, yes; DelPonte, yes. The motion was <br />approved by a vote of (6-0). <br />Article 2. The Finance Committee previously recommended approval to fund the annual operating <br />budgets in the amount of $52,891,431 for the various Town Departments by a vote of (6-0). <br />Article 3. Schmidt made a motion, seconded by Klenert, to recommend approval of Article 3. Roll <br />Call Vote: Schmidt, yes; Klenert, yes; Cook, yes; Gasior, yes; Murphy, yes; DeEPonte, yes. The <br />motion was approved by a vote of (6-0). <br />2 <br />