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Article 24. Theresa Cook made a motion that the Finance Committee not recommend approval of <br />Article 24. Tom Murphy seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Murphy, yes; Gasior, yes; DelPonte, <br />yes; Cook, yes; Richardson, yes; Klenert, yes; Avis, abstained. The motion was approved by a vote of <br />(6-0) with Avis abstaining. <br />Article 25. Third sentence, change the word public to town access. <br />The above changes will be provided to Selectmen's office for warrant revision. <br />• Review of the Chairman's Letter for the Town Warrant <br />Chairman Chris Avis distributed copes of his draft letter for inclusion in the Town Warrant booklet. <br />The committee members reviewed the draft and offered additions and amendments to the letter. Chris <br />Avis will finalize the letter to include the committee recommendations for change. <br />• Liaison Assigments — continued to the next meeting. <br />• Transfer Requests — None. <br />NEXT MEETING <br />The next meeting of the Finance Committee will be a joint meeting with the Board of Selectmen on <br />Monday, October 19, 2015, at 6:00 PM at the Mashpee High School. <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />As there was no further business, Charles Gasior made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. <br />Theresa Cook seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Klenert, yes; Richardson, yes; Cook,yes; Avis <br />yes; DelPonte, yes; Gasior, yes; Murphy, yes. The motion was approved by a vote of (7 -0). <br />The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Ina G. Schl hm <br />Recordin cretary <br />2 <br />