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11/12/2015 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
11/12/2015 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
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T <br />Finance Committee <br />Minutes <br />November 12, 2015 <br />NEW BUSINESS: <br />Board of Selectman Report — Andrew Gottlieb: <br />Board of Selectmen member Andrew Gottlieb updated the Finance Committee on the <br />following matters under consideration by the Board of Selectmen; <br />At their last meeting, the Board of Selectmen charted a different course with respect to snow <br />plowing. The Selectmen took action and raised the rates for private contractors, and in terms <br />of the snow removal fleet, it was agreed the vehicles planned for snow removal was too light, <br />as the magnitude of storms have increased. With the objective to secure an improved fleet of <br />larger vehicles for local roads and to retain contractors, the contractor rate rose across the <br />board. It was noted the increase is comparable to the Mass DOT. Selectman Gottlieb <br />explained the objective was to conform to the Town Manager's request to ensure that <br />Mashpee does the job in terms of snow removal and to secure a better fleet for local roads. <br />The Board of Selectmen is expected to finalize the Snow Removal Policy at their November <br />16�h meeting. In terms of safety, the Town Manager recommended that all roads both public <br />and private be plowed properly. The alteration of the No Plow List has prompted a change to <br />the Snow Removal Policy. Mr. Gottlieb indicated that several sections within the policy are <br />anticipated to be amended. The result will be similar to the Snow and Ice Operational Plan <br />instituted by the Town of Barnstable. In Barnstable, private roads other than those listed on <br />the "do not maintain list" receive snow and ice removal. Selectman Gottlieb indicated the <br />Town would be plowing private roads in equivalent condition to a publicly owned road in the <br />same condition. This is a work in progress, and hopefully the Town will receive less - <br />complaints and provide better coverage to Town roads for safety purposes. <br />With regards to the additional plowing of private roads, Mr. Avis requested a cost estimate <br />for the added snow and ice removal. It was noted the Town has 55 miles of private roads. In <br />accordance with policy, the Town generally does not plow roads until 3" of snow has fallen. <br />It was noted that cold patch would be available at the DPW if someone wants to reinforce <br />their road. Roads in disrepair will most likely percolate additional road takings. <br />Concern was voiced with respect to the liability of plowing private roads. It was agreed the <br />concern should be addressed by the individual to the Board of Selectmen. <br />6 <br />
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