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11/12/2015 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
11/12/2015 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
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7 <br />Finance Committee <br />Minutes <br />November 12, 2015 <br />NEW BUSINESS: <br />Board of. Selectman Re ort —Andrew Gottlieb: (continued) <br />Discussion continued with respect to wastewater issues. Appreciation was given to those <br />who supported the wastewater warrant articles approved at Town Meeting last month. <br />It was reported theCape Cod Commission held a hearing on the-Mashpee Comprehensive <br />Nitrogen and Wastewater Management Plan (CNWMP) on November 10, 2015. A decision <br />is anticipated to be determined in early December. <br />Recent changes to the Clean Water Act will to provide towns with the ability to obtain a <br />watershed permit. Mashpee is expected to join with neighborhood communities for the joint <br />management of the shared watersheds. Selectman Gottlieb explained the process would <br />recognize the Town of Mashpee under the watershed permit for soft solution contributions <br />such as the institution of the fertilizer bylaw and the shellfish mitigation program. These <br />initiatives would grant credit to Mashpee it terms of targeting for nitrogen loading. If the <br />TMDL target is fulfilled, the Town of Mashpee would be protected from further enforcement <br />from the state. If a neighboring town does not do their share of compliance, the loading <br />requirement per town is not shifted. Conformity would also provide protection from a third <br />party. if litigation was to arise. <br />The Town of Mashpee is expected to obtain the first state -issued watershed permit. Plans are <br />ongoing to begin the initial focus in Popponesset in conjunction with the Towns of <br />Barnstable and Sandwich. The Popponesset approach will become a template for the state in <br />which other towns would follow. <br />In discussing the soft solution utilizing shellfish to remove the nitrogen from the waterways, <br />the Town's investment in shellflshing could result in a TMDL compliance of nitrogen <br />reduction, and realize a cost benefit savings of $1,500,000 with full implementation of the <br />shellfish aquaculture program. Selectman Gottlieb indicated that in four of six watershed <br />areas reductions .can be met with shellfishing. This includes Jehu, Hamblin, Little and Great <br />Ponds. It is likely there will be increased spawning rates as water quality is improved. <br />Selectman Gottlieb explained this is an ongoing investment for the Town of Mashpee. <br />
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