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There is a drop-in Center located in Hyannis. There are sixty admitted Sex Workers (pimps, <br />prostitutes) on the Cape. The Provincetown office offers needle exchanges but the Hyannis office <br />does not. The Department of Public Health is having conversations regarding new locations for <br />treatment centers for help on the Cape. Although there is a 15% increase in HIV testing among the <br />older population, the majority of the population is in the 20 to 30 year range. Ms. Mello stated that <br />the concern is now not only with OD's; there is increasing concern about Hep -C and Aids. <br />Fentanyl is a drug formulated and cleaned up in labs and is being shipped from Mexico and Canada <br />and is now being used which is 40 to 50 times more potent than heroin, and 80 to 100 times more <br />potent than morphine. People are cutting it to make the heroin stronger, but we are also seeing <br />more straight Fentanyl cases. The drug is highly addictive, more so than heroin. There are less <br />withdrawal symptoms from Fentanyl, and it ends up being cheaper than heroin because its effects <br />last much longer. <br />Ms. Mello stated that there are three methadone labs on the Cape: Falmouth, Hyannis, and <br />Mashpee. New drugs on the scene include Molly, Flakka, bath salts, crystal methadone. Ms. Mello <br />stated that there is a 6 to 9 month period required for a detox period. Harm Reduction needs to be <br />increased; the majority of money is being spent on courts, police officers, incarceration and less than <br />11% on harm reduction. More time needs to be spent on conversations with active drug users that <br />they are not having with anyone else. <br />Donna Mello is anxious to reach out to the Wampanoag community because she is very concerned <br />that this population may have a serious drug problem. Ms. Mello is hoping that the Human Services <br />Committee can assist her in finding ways to reach out to the tribe. <br />Ms. Mello concluded her remarks by stating that the way to help drug users as well as individuals <br />having sex with multiple people is not by telling them that they need to stop .using drugs and having <br />sex with multiple people, because they will continue to do what they are doing. Harm Reduction <br />approaches these people by encouraging them to be honest about their habits and asking about <br />how they need help and offering assistance to them. This is what Donna Mello's approach is all <br />about. <br />• Comments on FY 2016 Budget <br />Janice Walford reported that she had contacted David DelPonte to discuss his "no" vote to approve <br />the Human Services budget proposed by Town Manager Joyce Mason, David DelPonte explained <br />to Ms.Walford that in no way did he feel that the budget amount was too high. In fact, he was <br />expressing his feeling that the proposed Human Services Department budget was woefully <br />inadequate to meet the growing needs for expansion of their efforts in the community. Janice <br />Walford suggested that increased support for the Aids Support Group of Cape Cod might be a good <br />place to start. John Cahalane commented that the newly appointed Town Manager will be an <br />important factor in determining the success of the Human Services committee to substantially <br />increase their contract amounts for the coming fiscal year. <br />• Food Drive at Town Meeting: May 4, 2015 Janice Walford stated that a food drive would <br />be conducted at the Town Meeting on Monday, May 4, 2015. It was anticipated that <br />Veronica Warden would again assist in the collection and distribution of the donated goods. <br />• Update on the Mature Workers Program <br />Gail Wilson reported that the Mature Workers program has someone in mind that could begin <br />working with Human Services in June 2015. Ms. Wilson explained that she is currently in the <br />process of training three Property Tax Work -off seniors who are assisting her, and does not have the <br />ability to take on training an additional worker in .lune. The Property Tax Work -off seniors will be <br />working with Human Services through September of 2015. Lynne Waterman recommended that <br />before turning down the opportunity to take on the offer of the Mature Worker, who could be placed <br />2 <br />