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4/16/2015 HUMAN SERVICES Minutes
4/16/2015 HUMAN SERVICES Minutes
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elsewhere quickly, Gail Wilson could request a copy of her resume, and arrange a meeting with her <br />to determine whether it would be a good fit. The Mature Worker would be working four days a week <br />for a total of 20 hours. The Mature Worker is from Elder Services of Cape Cod and the Islands, and <br />her salary would be paid for by that agency, not the Town of Mashpee. If the Mature Worker <br />appears to be a good fit for the Human Services Department, Lynne Waterman stated that there <br />could be a way to juggle the training period so that we do not lose the opportunity to add the Mature <br />Worker to Gail Wilson's staff of assistants. Gail Wilson will request that the Mature Worker forward <br />her resume to the Human Services department, and Gail will on -send the resume to the committee <br />members for their review. <br />• Coordinator's Report— Highlights <br />- Gail Wilson reported that she has changed her monthly report format to include a monthly <br />statistics report from Tara B. Carline, Victim/Witness Advocate with the Mashpee Police Department. <br />Ms. Carline has developed a new brochure listing her services, and will provide the Human Services <br />office with a supply. <br />- Gail Wilson has put in a request for a new, more efficient copier for her office, to replace the <br />outdated one currently in place. <br />- Attended the MOAPC meeting on March 30, 2015, with focus on the first priority task, Scope of <br />Pain, with emphasis on safe and competent opioid prescribing education and development of a <br />proposed list of focus groups. <br />- Attended the monthly Human Rights Commission meeting on April 6, 2015 with speaker from WE <br />CAN. The group is interested in more presence on the Upper Cape and would like to meet with the <br />Human Services Committee at a future meeting. <br />Gail Wilson reported that she is seeing an ongoing and growing trend of cases experiencing the <br />serious lack of affordable housing. <br />NEXT MEETING -- Thursday, May 21, 2015 — 2:00 PM, Mashpee Town Hall. <br />Gail Wilson will invite Tara Carline to attend the meeting as guest speaker. <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />As there was no further business, John Cahalane made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. <br />Elinor Glener seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved. The meeting <br />adjourned at 4:15 PM. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Ina G. Schl;ecretary <br />m <br />Recording <br />
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