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BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES MEETING <br />TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2015 <br />MASE PEE LIBRARY CONFERENCE ROOM <br />Present: Carlo D'Este, Kate Milde, Joan Lyons, John Kowalski, Mark Wright, Mary LeClair, and Allen Waters. <br />Also Present: Kathy Mahoney — Library Director <br />John Cotton — Board of Selectmen <br />Rodney Collins — Town Manager <br />Audience: Ryan Bray -- Mashpee Enterprise <br />Carlo D'Este, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 4:15 p.m. and apologized for the delay in <br />opening the meeting but explained the Personnel Subcommittee had just finished meeting with newly <br />appointed Town Manager, Rodney Collins. <br />Approval of Minutes <br />Mark Wright motioned to accept the Regular Meeting minutes of July 14, 2015 as written. <br />Motion was seconded by Joan Lyons. <br />VOTE: Yes -5; 2 -Abstain. <br />Roll Call Vote: Joan Lyons, yes Mary LeClair, abstain <br />Allen Waters, yes Kate Milde, yes <br />John Kowalski, yes Mark Wright, yes <br />Carlo D'Este, abstain <br />Town Manamer <br />Chairman Carlo D'Este asked Rodney Collins whether he would like to share a little bit with the Trustees his <br />perspective as Town Manager. <br />Chief Collins said first and foremost he is familiar with the Library Director since he had been a Town <br />Department Head. He said he did appreciate her work and commitments she made. He said he also has some <br />perspective regarding issues of the building and personnel issues. Chief Collins said there are certainly some <br />things that are going to be addressed very amicably and quickly. He understands there is a process of <br />maintaining the Library building through DPW and that will continue. <br />Regarding personnel, while he's not inclined to add personnel, that doesn't mean he will always say "no". He <br />said he understands the Library Director has to have some flexibility, and that will be immediately addressed. <br />Chief Collins said he will read the Strategic Plan. He said he understands there is a reference to personnel in the <br />Management Study and he needs to look at it. He said if you have part-time staff looking to reduce hours, that <br />would not be an issue. Director needs some flexibility; and she will receive it. Chief Collins will not be micro - <br />managing daily operations of Director or Board of Library Trustees. <br />Chief Collins noted there are always financial constraints so only so much can be done. He is a fiscal <br />conservative, but Town must take care of mission critical needs where Town relies on staffing and services on a <br />daily basis as a resource. <br />Carlo thanked Town Manager Rodney Collins for his time in attending the meeting. Chief Collins exited the <br />meeting at 4:30 p.m. <br />