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Friends of the Mashyee Public Library <br />Kate Milde and Jack Kowalski reported: <br />• Kate said Friends are very busy trying to come up with a plan for fundraising. Jack Kowalski said the <br />Friends want to do things but lack volunteers needed. Jack commented that it may behoove Friends to <br />set term limits. He pointed out this has worked well with the Library Trustees. <br />• Jack commented the Friends brought up the success of the Miniature Golf event ... they were very <br />pleased with that event. Kathy Mahoney stated most libraries set up in advance and get <br />business/community involved and that's when more money can be made. Kathy said phone calls came <br />in the next day from other towns inquiring about the event. They would like to use it as a fundraiser. <br />• Kate said Friends planning holiday event at the Library; and there is the potential for another cocktail <br />party. <br />• Kate reported the Friends broached the topic of Selander Challenge in terms of asking for an extension <br />of the October deadline, but they felt Selander family was clear on the date so will not make that <br />approach. Jack Kowalski advised there is a bequest coming through where $33,000 will go to the <br />Friend so we will meet the $50,000 challenge. <br />Reports <br />Kathy Mahoney's report for the month of July was discussed at length. Some highlights included the following: <br />• Kathy working on ARTS report. <br />• Working on personnel issues. Nothing will affect the budget right now just trying to re -appropriate <br />what we have. Kathy said this will enable us to come up with a plan. <br />• Historical Commission would like Library Director's guidance, but nothing done yet on that request. <br />• Working with Tribe. Children worked with Library on their literacy program; and Tribe had OSHA <br />training at the Library. <br />Annual Oktoberfest event to be held October 3. If held at Mashpee Commons, then Library has closed for <br />security reasons. <br />Motion: Kate Milde motioned to close the Library for Town Oktoberfest event on October 3, 2015 for security <br />purposes. <br />Motion was seconded by Joan Lyons, <br />VOTE: Yes -7. <br />Roll Call Vote: Joan Lyons, yes Mary LeClair, yes <br />Allen Waters, yes Kate Milde, yes <br />John Kowalski, yes Mark Wright, yes <br />Carlo D'Este, yes <br />Kathy advised she attended first department head meeting with new Town Manager on August 5"' where they <br />were provided with Town Manager's input on various policies, projects, and initiatives to be implemented. <br />Some of these included: <br />• Employee recognition awards. <br />• More money for professional development. <br />• Offered use of fleet, if available, when going to meetings. <br />• Communications. <br />• Working on inventories; and lost items. <br />• Activity Report; goals; objectives. <br />