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Mashpee - Wakehy Lake Management <br />Committee <br />January 22, 2015 <br />7:30 PM <br />Mashpee Town Hall <br />Meeting called by: Debi McManus <br />Type of meeting: Monthly <br />Secretary Barbara B. Nichols <br />Attendees: Members: Brian Mauro, Linda Smith, Barbara Nichols <br />Guests: <br />The minutes of the November 20, 2014 meeting were accepted as written after a motion by Debi <br />McManus and second by Brian Mauro <br />Agenda topics <br />[Agenda topic 1] Lake level/ River outflow <br />Discussion: Barbara reported on the lake levels for the past two months. December measurements on the <br />I". and 15"' were at 55.3 and 55.4 ft. above sea level with 11.5 and 15 inches of water flowing over the <br />board closest to the lake. There were 7 and 8.5 inches of water in the stream at the stairs. In January, on <br />the I s' and 15`E', both measurements were at 55.4 ft. above sea level with 12, 5 inches of water flowing <br />over the board. The stream level had dropped to 4 and 5 inches of water at the stairs, Barbara noted there <br />were lots of dead Asian clams noted in the riverbed downstream frorn the fish way. <br />Conclusions: The lake level remains at 55.3- 55.4 inches above sea level. Sand is building up in the <br />stream. <br />[Agenda topic 2] Fall Newsletter <br />Discussion: Barbara reported the fall newsletter was completed and sent to Joyce Mason for her approval <br />on December 1, 2014. Twenty copies were made by the Town to be available in the town hall rack. It was <br />posted on the Town web site the following week. Members will distribute some of these copies to <br />neighbors to increase its visibility. <br />Members were encouraged to begin planning articles for the Spring newsletter at the next meeting in <br />March. <br />Conclusions: The Fall Newsletter is completed. <br />