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[Agenda topic 3] Communication <br />Discussion: Barbara received a phone call from Paul Harrington on Wakeby Lake, after hearing from a <br />neighbor who was concerned about limiting HP on the boats or water sports after reading the erroneous <br />article in the Enterprise. He was assured that the committee was interested in limiting boat length only due <br />to large boats getting stuck on the ramp and damaging it. Paul also asked if residents had complained about <br />the exhaust noise of the Donsies, and Barbara said the committee had received several complaints finding <br />them very offensive when the exhaust was expelled above the water line. Paul said he knows the other <br />operators and would speak to therm.. <br />Andrew mentioned again that Sandwich and Mashpee had discussed limiting boat length to 26 ft. and a <br />request had been sent to the state for a regulatory change. This would require a public hearing. <br />Conclusions: The committee explained to guests that limiting boat length only was our intention. <br />Paul H. will speak to the loud boat operators to encourage them to keep exhaust discharge underwater to <br />limit noise. <br />[Agenda topic 4] Boat Ramp Repair <br />Discussion: Don reported that Ken of Waterways Cam. had sent a request to Joyce Mason to have DPW <br />pull sand into the hole created by boat's power lifting. Steve Mone, Harbormaster, had asked us at the last <br />meeting if this could be repaired. No permit is needed, but Cons Com needs to sign off on it. Three weeks <br />had passed since the request to Joyce. <br />Conclusions: Andrew will check with Joyce to find out about the status of the request. <br />[Agenda topic S] Guests Concerns <br />Discussion: One of the guests mentioned that he was concerned about the jet ski behavior. One of there had <br />been jumping the wake of his child who was wake boarding this past weekend. Andrew mentioned that <br />harbormaster patrolling would occur 7 days a week for S hours. The guest was encouraged to call police <br />dispatch with any violations witnessed to document the problem. <br />One guest brought to our attention that the NO Wake buoy in Pickerel Cove went missing last year. He <br />wondered if it would be replaced before a boat grounded out in there. <br />Conclusions: Barbara will email Steve Mone about the missing buoy. <br />Harbormaster coverage should resume soon. <br />The meeting; was adjourned at 8:00 P.M. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Barbara B. Nichols <br />