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Mashpee - Wakeby Lake Management <br />Committee <br />June 25, 2015 <br />7:30 PM <br />Mashpee Town Hall <br />Meeting celled by: Debi McManus <br />Type of meeting: Monthly <br />Secretary Barbara B. Nichols <br />Attendees: Members: Brian Mauro, Donald MacDonald, Barbara Nichols <br />Guests: <br />The minutes of the May 28, 2015 meeting were accepted as written, with one correction, after a motion by <br />Debi McManus and second by Brian Mauro. <br />Agenda topics <br />[Agenda topic 1] Lake level/ River outflow <br />Discussion: Barbara did the lake measurements on June 1St. and 16th. Levels were at 55.4 and 55.3 feet <br />above sea level with 13.5 and 11.5 inches of water flowing over the board in the darn closest to the lake. <br />There were 7 inches and 5 inches of water in the stream by the stairs. The water levels were low for this <br />time of year, but it has rained several inches since the last measurement. The levels were emailed to Drew <br />McManus in Conservation, Barbara also reminded Drew after our last meeting that the branches and <br />boards remained stuck in the fish passageway and Drew emailed that he had removed them April 15th. <br />Drew mentioned that he would cut back the poison ivy which is taking over the gated area of the fishway. <br />Barbara noted that the pathway from Attaquin beach is becoming overgrown with brush and poison ivy. <br />Usually, the Town equipment used in clearing the sand from the outflow of the river in the spring keeps <br />the plant life back from the path, but that was not done this spring, and poison ivy is also growing rampant <br />along the path.. <br />Conclusions: The water level was at 55.3 above sea level. Poison ivy is spreading along the pathways. <br />[Agenda topic 2] 2014 Spring Newsletter <br />Discussion: Placing our newsletter on the shelf by the Sticker Office has brought a lot more visibility. <br />Barbara requested 20 more copies from the Town which were also placed. Don requested a few to hand <br />out to Lakewood Association. He will explain to them how to read the online copy on the Town's website. <br />Conclusions: More copies of the newsletter were picked up this spring while folks were getting their <br />stickers at Town Hall. <br />