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[Agenda topic 3] Boat Ramp Repair <br />Discussion: The boat ramp has not been repaired. Apparently the Town does not have equipment with an <br />arm long enough to reach out into the lake to pull sand into the hole. The problem now rests with DPW <br />and the town manager. <br />Conclusions: The boat ramp still needs repair. <br />[Agenda topic 4] Pond Water Sampling <br />Discussion; Barbara received an email from George Reichenbacher of Mashpee Environmental Assoc. on <br />June 15th requesting volunteers to help with the water sampling of Mashpee and Wakeby ponds. Rick <br />York has been doing the testing for three years, since Barbara was no longer able to do it. Don suggested <br />asking the volunteers who do the estuary testing, and tribal members who also participate to see if anyone <br />would volunteer. Perhaps an article in our newsletter would elicit a response. Barbara will email George <br />with these suggestions. <br />Conclusions: Fresh water ponds in Town need volunteers willing to do the sampling <br />[Agenda topic 5] Committee Reorganization <br />Discussion: Linda Smith has resigned from the committee. Barbara emailed and called Sam Fischer, who <br />attended our last meeting and he voiced interest in joining. Barbara explained the process of applying to <br />the Committee to Sam. He was out of town this evening or would have attended. The officers remain the <br />same. Debi will be Chairman, Brian, Vice Chair and Barbara will continue to be Secretary. <br />Members need to sign the book at the town clerk's office. <br />Conclusions; The present officers will serve another year. Members should sign the book. <br />The meeting was adjourned at 7:58 P.M. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Barbara B. Nichols <br />