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[Agenda topic 3] Harbormaster News <br />Discussion: Lieutenant John J. Santangelo of the Mashpee Police Dept. will serve as acting harbormaster <br />for the Town until a replacement is appointed which may not be until next spring. The Town will create a <br />new Natural Resource Dept. to focus on waterways and take the Harbormaster and Shellfish agent from <br />under the Police Dept. <br />Meg Santos in the Town Clerk's Office asked if we had a copy of the MW Lake Regulations for the lake. <br />I referred her to Heidi in the Recreation Dept., and in the process we discovered that there are two <br />different documents with the same name, one used by the ramp attendant to address parking, fees and bass <br />tournaments and some boating laws, while the other pertains strictly to boating laws. <br />Rich Santangelo, assistant harbormaster, reported more citations were being written, as there are more <br />boaters with no boating knowledge. A guest reported that jet skiers are driving dangerously, endangering <br />swimmers and landing on private property.. A suggestion of a marine radio for the harbormaster was <br />made. Perhaps a boating course for a required State license to operate a boat in Massachusetts would help. <br />Illegal mooring are being tagged, but Mr. Santangelo noted the town's rules need work as there is no <br />difference in rules for motorized cabin cruisers or kayaks. <br />Conclusions: Increased boating activities have led to more problems. The Harbormaster Dept. is <br />undergoing changes. Andrew will see about a name change for the two documents with the same label. <br />[Agenda topic 4] Boat Ramp Topics <br />Discussion: Rodney Collins, the new Town Manager, who is in favor of a Comprehensive Access Plan <br />dedicated to improve all the boat ramps in Town, recently toured all the ramps with other officials. The <br />Mashpee Wakeby boat ramp has not been repaired yet. DPW Head, Catherine Laurent reported that town <br />equipment could not reach the sediment buildup, but she has sought aid from local contractors. Because <br />the ramp is State owned, the Town will be repaid for the contractor's work. <br />The Mashpee Waterways Commission has approved a new bylaw for Town meeting approval that would <br />prohibit power loading of boats onto trailers, which damages town boat ramps. Mashpee Lake, being <br />state owned, already has this regulation which carries a $100 fine paid to the State, but there is no <br />enforcement. If the bylaw passes, the fee would remain in the town. <br />The ramp attendant's shorter day, until just 3 PM, had become a problem, as the lot was overflowed at <br />3:40 PM and boat trailers were also parked at Town Hall. This leads to more problems with jet skiers and <br />boaters. Andrew requested coverage next year until 5 PM, and made the officials aware of the problem. <br />Conclusions: The boat ramp has not been repaired. Attendant coverage is needed until at least S PM. <br />[Agenda topic 5]Barnstable County Beach <br />Sampling <br />Discussion: Four seasonal employees of Barnstable County conduct testing of lakes and salt water <br />beaches weekly during the swimming season for Enterococcus and E.coli. It takes 24 hours to run the tests <br />and if positive it would be repeated the next day, which is a change from previous years. When the beach <br />was closed for the first test, most repeat tests have been negative. If repeat test is positive, the Health <br />Agent in Town would be notified to close the beach. Mashpee is tested at both Attaquin beach and Camp <br />Farley and tests between dune 4th and August 15'11 have all been negative for the bacteria. <br />Storm water runoff is the dominant cause for elevated levels of bacteria. <br />Conclusions: The water testing in Mashpee Wakeby has been acceptable for swimming so far this year. <br />The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 P.M. <br />Respectfully submitted, , x6A d Barbara B. Nichols <br />